Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: Daniela Segreti Phone: 9545592197
Survey Date: 25-Nov-2024  
Origin Address: 1079 NE 96th Street
Miami Shores

Destination Address: 22 Royal Palm
sandy Ports ,
Bahamas, The

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CFT) Weight (LBs) Comment Room
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe872468 ---------
Cartons, Large1050325 ---------
Cartons, Medium310.569 ---------
Speaker1957 ---------
Books34.533 ---------
Dishpack633204 ---------
Cartons, Large420130 ---------
Exercise equipment11597.5 ---------
Fan1639 ---------
Snowboard11278 ---------
Bicycle468442 ---------
Chairs, Folding3958.5 ---------
Pressure cleaner1745.5 ---------
Cartons, Large1050325 ---------
Storage box1852 ---------
Kettlebells14.529.5 ---------
Vacuum Cleaner1639 ---------
Cartons, Small (Book)34.533 ---------
Statue11278 ---------
Cartons, Large735227.5 ---------
Painting3639 ---------
Cartons, Medium310.569 ---------
Guitar1745.5 ---------
Cartons, Large21065 ---------
Dishpack15.534 ---------
Cartons, Medium13.523 ---------
Total 4783105.5  
Week of December 16
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box6
Medium Box7
Large Box33
Flat Box8
Stand Up Box0