Dear Mr. Daniel Shefer

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum-Samsung

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Daniel Shefer  
Survey Date: 30-Oct-2024  
Origin Address: 4 Simcha st. Kfar Sabba

Destination Address: Khania Crete,

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
furniture parts20.530 ---------
home supplies30.31.5 ---------
tools30.30 ---------
car seat10.157.5 ---------
Clothes90.981 ---------
bedding40.560 ---------
Toys30.3934.5 ---------
Sports Equipment10.4540 ---------
Wardrobe, Large11.78157self dis and teassembly
Books50.2522.5 ---------
Chest of Drawers10.9987.5 ---------
Office Chair20.8475 ---------
Bed, Double Size11.98177.5 ---------
stationary30.180 ---------
Computer Set10.2522.5 ---------
tumble dryer10.5535 ---------
Books40.218 ---------
TV10.2522.565" tv for crating 145x10x84
electronics20.10 ---------
Mirror20.3227 ---------
Shoes30.327 ---------
Clothes131.3117 ---------
Picture10.065 ---------
End Table21.14100 ---------
Bed, Double Size11.98177.5 ---------
Painting10.17 ---------
Toys60.7869 ---------
Vacuum Cleaner20.3430 ---------
Desk10.9987.5 ---------
Bed, Youth11.0291.5 ---------
Chair, Dining10.435 ---------
Books30.1513.5 ---------
Office Chair10.4237.5 ---------
Computer Screen10.1110 ---------
Cutlery20.2825 ---------
Kitchenware40.218 ---------
Kitchen Appliances20.218 ---------
Pots & Pans20.2623 ---------
Glassware70.763 ---------
Picture10.18 ---------
Table, Dining11.19105 ---------
Freezer10.5548.5 ---------
tools10.10 ---------
Glassware20.218 ---------
Power Tools20.6860 ---------
Scooter20.5650 ---------
smoker10.5590 ---------
Sports Equipment10.4540 ---------
home cinema projector10.0510 ---------
Dining Chair62.52225 ---------
Table, Dining11.5132 ---------
Ornaments40.436 ---------
Bags20.218 ---------
Xbox/DVD Player10.087.5 ---------
TV10.2522.575" tv for crating 168x9x39
Speaker20.544 ---------
Amplifier10.087 ---------
Sewing Machine10.3430 ---------
Glassware40.436 ---------
Kitchenware10.054.5 ---------
Total 32.732776.5  
2 tv crates, ext elev to 4th floor
Owner Signature
Article WLHNotesRoom
916839tv for crating---------
home cinema projector
Sports Equipment
heavy smoker---------
916839tv for crating 145x 9x 84---------


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box17
Medium Box46
Large Box11
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0