Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: Jolanda Blonk Phone: 0863659807
Survey Date: 25-Sep-2024  
Origin Address: Curry Oughter, Corofin
Tuam, Co Galway
Floor number #0;
Destination Address: Rotterdam warehouse,

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CFT) Weight (LBs) Comment Room
Cartons, Medium1872468 Kitchen
Cartons, Small (Book)61278 Kitchen
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe1532.5 Kitchen
Bureau/Dresser/Chest135227.5 Kitchen
Table, Dining142273 Kitchen
Chair, Dining630195 Kitchen
Armchair115105 Kitchen
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1958.5 Kitchen
Lamp, Floor or Pole1426 Kitchen
Picture4426 Kitchen
Washing Machine11597.5 Kitchen
Dryer, Electric or Gas11597.5 Kitchen
Cartons, Small (Book)51065 Kitchen
Ironing Board1319.5 Kitchen
Dyson1639 Kitchen
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe1532.5 Kitchen
Garden Hose and Tools118117 Yard
Lawn Mower, Power11278 Yard
Bicycle117110.5 Yard
Ladder, Extension336234 Yard
Strimmer1532.5 Yard
Power washer1745.5 Yard
Tool Box840260 Yard
Cartons, Small (Book)816104 Yard
Power Tools336234 Yard
PBO25125812.5 Yard
Wood11597.5 Yard
Case120130 Yard
Vacuum Cleaner1639 Yard
Cabinet, Filing11597.5 Yard
Freezer11597.5 Yard
Dog bed1639 Yard
Work bench120130 Yard
Ladder, Extension11278 Yard
Bench125162.5 Yard
Cartons, Medium31278 Yard
Wheel Barrow11065 Yard
Tray1532.5 Yard
Plastic box xl21278 Yard
Cartons, Large21278 Yard
Garden shredder 1852 Yard
Water feature1532.5 Yard
Garden furn190585 Yard
Vase21065 Yard
Garden ornaments2639 Yard
Cabinet11597.5 Hallway
Sewing Machine1319.5 Hallway
Cartons, Mirror1319.5 Hallway
Clock1213 Hallway
Cartons, Medium2852 Hallway
Shelving unit117110.5 Hallway
Cabinet230195 Study
Cartons, Small (Book)51065 Study
Cartons, Medium2852 Study
Tub chair11278 Study
Cartons, Small (Book)3570455 Study
Bookcase270455 Study
Desk, Secretary142273 Study
Office chair11597.5 Study
Lamp, Floor or Pole2852 Living Room
Picture3639 Living Room
Desk, Small or Winthrop127175.5 Living Room
Cartons, Medium1426 Living Room
Chair, Dining1532.5 Living Room
Armchair11597.5 Living Room
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1532.5 Living Room
Foot Stool1426 Living Room
TV1958.5 Living Room
TV Stand117110.5 Living Room
Cartons, Small (Book)2426 Living Room
Bench11278 Hallway
Cartons, Large1639 Hallway
Cartons, Medium416104 Storage
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe1532.5 Storage
Cartons, Small (Book)2426 Storage
Desk, Secretary142273 Bedroom #1
Bookcase124156 Bedroom #1
PBO31597.5 Bedroom #1
Bed, Double Size170455 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe224156 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe31597.5 Bedroom #1
Chest of Drawers11597.5 Bedroom #2
Bookcase124156 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Small (Book)51065 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe224156 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe525162.5 Bedroom #2
Chest11597.5 Bedroom #2
Cabinet11597.5 Bedroom #2
Armchair115105 Bedroom #3
Cartons, Large318117 Bedroom #3
Chest of Drawers11597.5 Bedroom #3
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe525162.5 Bedroom #3
Wardrobe, Small145292.5 Bedroom #3
Chair, Dining1532.5 Bedroom #3
Shelving unit125162.5 Bedroom #3
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe336234 Bedroom #3
Clothes rack1319.5 Bedroom #3
Cartons, Medium1426 Bedroom #3
Xmas decs160390 Attic
Total 191912488.5  

Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box68
Medium Box31
Large Box7
Flat Box23
Stand Up Box7