Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: Alan Shalom Phone: 201-723-7672
Survey Date: 19-Sep-2024  
Origin Address: 8 Knollwood Rd
Woodcliff Lake

Destination Address: 4824 Bocaire Blvd
Boca Raton, FL

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CFT) Weight (LBs) Comment Room
End Table31597.5 Basement
Mirror1852 Basement
Vase1532.5 Basement
Television or Radio Console118117 Basement
Rugs, Large Roll or Pad230195 Basement
Total 76494  
Screen216104 Basement
Coffee Table220130 Basement
Chair, Arm336234 Basement
Chairs, Folding41278 Basement
Pedestal230195 Basement
Artwork11597.5 Basement
Cartons, China Barrels1050340 Basement
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe8128828 Basement
Cartons, Mirror840260 Basement
Cartons, Small1015100 Basement
Cartons, Medium1035230 Basement
Cartons, Large525162.5 Basement
Total 4232751  
Must be delivered between 11/4 - 11/20

2 screens, 1 mirror, 1 coffee, 1 vase (needs to be repacked w/ bubble), 1 white console, 2 lrg area rug, 3 arm chair, 1 glass top coffee, 4 folding chairs, 1 large art 6x5, horse 24x21x12, pedestal, marble pedestal 43x12x12, 1 bike, full unpacking, lots of dishes/china, wardrobe, crates needed:

- stone horse statue 24x21x12
- large art (estimated, 75x60x4)
- glass coffee top (48x24x1)
- large mirror (48x36x5)
- marble pedestal (43x12x12)
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box10
Medium Box10
Large Box13
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box8