Itemized Customer Survey/Inventory


Rhona Sutton
82 Harrington Sound Road

Total Estimated Weight:5716.5 Total Estimated Cubic Feet:873 Total # of Items: 68

Items Inventory

# Item Description CFT CP # PBO# Comment
1Piano, Baby Gr. or Up.8410Crate needed
15Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe225150 
18Plastic Box54180 
10Books, Medium box30100 
8Bookshelves, Sectional9680 
2Desk, Secretary8420 
4Chair, office6440 
3Desk, Small or Winthrop8130 
2Folding Table2020 
1Exercise Bike2010 
1Sofa/ Couch, Sectional, Per Section3610Futon
1Cabinet, China4510Piece is actually a entertainment unit this is what I believe to be closest in size and weight

Total Cubic Feet: 873                   Total Weight:5716.5

Carrier Packing & Crating Summary

Carrier Pack

# Item Description Room
15Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe---------


Item Description Cartons # Pack-CP # PBO #
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe15150

We also have three pallets of goods along with other items and a possibility of boxes added also. However these items have not been seen.

Signing below acknoledges receipt an estimate of your move based on the Table of Measurments. Only the items listed are included in the cost. Any items added or additional services may result in additional cost.

Customer Signature