Dear Mr. klaider Maor

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Avi AYASH

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: klaider Maor  
Survey Date: 08-Nov-2023  
Origin Address: Israel
Floor number #0;
Destination Address:

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Kitchen132.21195 ---------
Refrigerator11.84162 ---------
Table, Dining11.87164.5 ---------
Chair, Dining83.2280 ---------
TV11.3114.5 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion12.04179.5 ---------
Sofa 1 Cushion10.7970 ---------
BBQ Grill10.5751 ---------
Toys232.99253 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, 3 Cushion11.7149.5 ---------
Kitchen Toys10.331 ---------
Bookcase32.04183 ---------
TV Stand10.4842.5 ---------
TV10.2522.5 ---------
Office Chair20.8475 ---------
Desk, Secretary11.19105 ---------
Computer Monitor10.1715 ---------
Camping Equipment131.82162.5 ---------
Misc.40.3230 ---------
Chair, Arm10.5952.5 ---------
Wardrobe, Large11.78157 ---------
Bed, Double Size35.94532.5 ---------
Night Table10.1715 ---------
Desk, Secretary22.38210 ---------
Bed, King Size24.24381 ---------
Mattress21.42125 ---------
Chest of Drawers11.3114.5 ---------
Clothes313.1263.5 ---------
Rocker, Swing10.5145 ---------
Linen121.2102 ---------
Bathroom items40.436 ---------
Breakfast Table10.3430 ---------
Breakfast Suite Chairs40.6860 ---------
Total 49.914421.5  
Clothes50.542.5 ---------
Kitchen30.5145 ---------
Toys30.4237.5 ---------
Total 1.43126  

Owner Signature
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box0
Medium Box52
Large Box26
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0