Dear Mr. Wajdak Daren

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Wajdak Daren  
Survey Date: 18-Oct-2023  
Origin Address: 2 Modiin st apt.12
Herzeliya Pituach
Floor number #3; Elevator;
Destination Address: Wiesbaden,

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Books40.2422 ---------
military gear52.5125 ---------
Picture30.186 ---------
bedding30.426 ---------
furniture parts30.67.5 ---------
Safe10.2220small, in a box
cosmetics50.530 ---------
home supplies70.770 ---------
Clothes80.896 ---------
Bags40.436 ---------
Suitcase50.85100 ---------
Printer10.087.5 ---------
Clock, Grandfather10.544 ---------
Garbage Can20.3430 ---------
Step Ladder10.1715 ---------
Pots & Pans20.2825 ---------
Shoes40.436 ---------
Kitchen Appliances60.651 ---------
stationary80.4864 ---------
Desk20.432folded in original boxes
TV10.181540" tv in original box
TV10.2219.549" tv in originsl box
DVD30.2422.5 ---------
Bookcase21.361224 broken down book cases
Ornaments50.545 ---------
Kitchenware60.3633 ---------
Books110.6660.5 ---------
electronics282.828 ---------
Computer Screen40.4440 ---------
Sports Equipment20.980 ---------
Glassware60.651 ---------
Total 18.931341  
Books10.065.5 ---------
electronics20.21 ---------
Clothes50.542.5 ---------
bedding10.142 ---------
Total 0.951.5  
**pov pick up : 24.10.2023
Owner Signature
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box6
Medium Box29
Large Box2
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0