Dear Mr. Luke Akright

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Luke Akright  
Survey Date: 08-Jun-2023  
Origin Address: 49 Shalva st.
Herzeliya Pituach
Destination Address:
United States

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
car1182000 ---------
home supplies10.152 ---------
tools30.150 ---------
Folding Table10.2829.5 ---------
Picnic Table10.6871 ---------
Bicycle, Kids10.2829.5 ---------
garden chair20.815 ---------
Bench10.5557.5 ---------
Office Chair10.4244 ---------
Guitar10.220.5 ---------
Camping Equipment10.1414.5 ---------
weights40.22 ---------
Bench10.540 ---------
Garbage Can10.1717.5 ---------
Flower Pot10.1414.5 ---------
Books30.1819.5 ---------
Clothes70.773.5 ---------
gatden chair20.72 ---------
Sports Equipment10.4547 ---------
Power Tools10.3435.5 ---------
tools20.11 ---------
Christmas Ornaments50.445 ---------
Cooler Box20.4850 ---------
Folding Chair40.4448 ---------
Shoes60.663 ---------
shoe wrack10.2515 ---------
clothes wrack10.1510 ---------
Ornaments50.552.5 ---------
TV10.2526.565" with originsl box
shoe wrack10.2515 ---------
Vase10.1414.5 ---------
Mirror10.430double packing
Clothes Hamper10.2526.5 ---------
Lamp, Floor or Pole10.1112 ---------
Ornaments30.331.5 ---------
clothes wrack10.1510 ---------
Decorations40.5658 ---------
Towels20.221 ---------
comode10.6555 ---------
keyboard10.220 ---------
File Cabinet10.4244 ---------
Clothes151.5157.5 ---------
Toys30.4243.5 ---------
Books60.3639 ---------
stationary20.160 ---------
Bed, Double Size12.5260.5 ---------
Bird Cage & Stand10.1717.5 ---------
Metal Shelves10.1717.5 ---------
Clothes10.110.5 ---------
Bags10.110.5 ---------
Clothes, Hanging62.7282 ---------
Bed, King Size12.12221matress and base
Total 42.154233.5  
Clothes50.552.5 ---------
bedding30.421.5 ---------
Cutlery20.2829 ---------
bean bag20.66 ---------
Food Stuff30.5152.5 ---------
Kitchenware80.4852 ---------
Kitchen Appliances20.221 ---------
Glassware60.663 ---------
Total 3.59274  
**2 floor house , good access .
**6 hanging wsrdrobe boxes.
**separate uab from hhe . car towing on June 14th.
Owner Signature
Article WLHNotesRoom

Shalva 49
glass vase---------
home supplies
jeep wrangler---------


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box17
Medium Box53
Large Box3
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box6