Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: Lisa Marie Joyce Phone: 0830913494
Survey Date: 19-May-2023  
Origin Address: Kermanach, Balkill Rd
Howth, Co Dublin
* Difficult Access;
* not possible for container - shuttle. Set of steps outside. Nothing from attic or garage.
Destination Address: Warsaw,

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CFT) Weight (LBs) Comment Room
Cartons, Large1639 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe1532.5 Bedroom #1
Picture2213 Bedroom #1
Coatstand11065 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Large21278 Bedroom #1
Bed160390 Bedroom #1
Locker21065 Bedroom #1
Laundry Basket1532.5 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Medium1426 Bedroom #1
Bookcase124156 Bedroom #1
TV Stand11597.5 Bedroom #1
TV1958.5 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Medium2852 Hallway
Lamp, Floor or Pole1426 Hallway
Trolley11065 Hallway
Cartons, Small (Book)2426 Bathroom
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe1532.5 Bathroom
Armchair230195 Hallway
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1532.5 Hallway
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1958.5 Hallway
Cartons, Large1639 Hallway
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe11278 Hallway
Cartons, Medium416104 Storage
Clothes rail1319.5 Storage
Coffee Maker1319.5 Storage
Vacuum Cleaner1639 Storage
Pram1852 Storage
Folding bed120130 Study
Cartons, Small (Book)61278 Study
Printer1319.5 Study
Bookcase124156 Study
Chair, Occasional11278 Study
Cartons, Small (Book)2426 Study
Desk, Small or Winthrop127175.5 Study
Bureau/Dresser/Chest120130 Hallway
Shoe Cabinet1639 Hallway
Coatstand11065 Hallway
Basket1426 Hallway
Cartons, Medium1426 Living Room
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1532.5 Living Room
Cartons, Medium31278 Bedroom #3
Chest of Drawers11597.5 Bedroom #3
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe336234 Bedroom #3
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe525162.5 Bedroom #3
TV1958.5 Bedroom #3
Laundry Basket1532.5 Bedroom #3
Cartons, Large318117 Bedroom #4
Clothes rail1852 Bedroom #4
Computer1745.5 Bedroom #4
Desk, Small or Winthrop127175.5 Bedroom #4
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1958.5 Living Room
Foot Stool2852 Living Room
Sofa/ Couch, 2 Cushion145292.5 Living Room
Painting51065 Family Room
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion172468 Living Room
Cartons, Large1639 Family Room
Cartons, Medium1426 Family Room
Lamp, Floor or Pole1426 Family Room
TV1958.5 Family Room
Cartons, Large21278 Kitchen
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe1532.5 Kitchen
Cartons, Small (Book)3639 Kitchen
Chair, High1639 Kitchen
Cartons, Large1639 Kitchen
Cartons, Medium1560390 Kitchen
Bin2639 Kitchen
Electric mop1532.5 Kitchen
Clothes rail1852 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe1532.5 Bedroom #2
Bookcase124156 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Small (Book)2426 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Medium2852 Bedroom #2
Chest of Drawers11597.5 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Large1639 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe31597.5 Hallway
Armchair11597.5 Bedroom #3
Foot Stool1426 Bedroom #3
Locker21065 Bedroom #3
Cartons, Large21278 Bedroom #3
Bed, King Size180520 Bedroom #3
Total 10837039.5  
Cot120130 Bedroom #2
Bed160390 Bedroom #4
Locker21065 Bedroom #4
Chair, Dining630195 Kitchen
Table, Dining142273 Kitchen
Garden furn1115747.5 Yard
Storage Unit125162.5 Yard
Total 3021963  

Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box15
Medium Box29
Large Box14
Flat Box14
Stand Up Box4