Itemized Customer Survey/Inventory



Total Estimated Weight:2444.5 Total Estimated Cubic Feet:420.5 Total # of Items: 57

Items Inventory

# Item Description CFT CP # PBO# Comment
1TV Stand1710 
1End Table2010 
2Bookshelves, Sectional2420 
1Chair, Straight1210 
1Desk, Small or Winthrop2710 
1Chair, office1610 
1Shoe Cabinet1210 
2Folding Chair820 
4Chair, outdoor2440 
1Desk, Secretary4210 
1Rocking Chair2310 
1Rugs, Small Roll or Pad410 
1Vacuum Cleaner610 
2Golf Bag/Clubs1220 
1Bicycle Rack510 
1Bed frame1610 
2Heater, Gas or Electric1220 
10Cartons, China Barrels50100 
10Cartons, Medium30100 
10Cartons, Small (Book)15100 

Total Cubic Feet: 420.5                   Total Weight:2444.5

Carrier Packing & Crating Summary

Carrier Pack

# Item Description Room
10Cartons, China BarrelsStorage
10Cartons, MediumStorage
10Cartons, Small (Book)Storage


Item Description Cartons # Pack-CP # PBO #
Cartons, China Barrels10100
Cartons, Medium10100
Cartons, Small (Book)10100

**Mrs. McDowell is on vacation from may 3rd to may 22nd. She would like the move to be on the 25th and 26th. Sterling Virginia is destination….there will be a sea and an air shipment.

Signing below acknoledges receipt an estimate of your move based on the Table of Measurments. Only the items listed are included in the cost. Any items added or additional services may result in additional cost.

Customer Signature