Itemized Customer Survey/Inventory


Brittany Macvicar
23 Mangrove Road

Phone: 532-9748

Total Estimated Weight:911.5 Total Estimated Cubic Feet:143 Total # of Items: 28

Items Inventory

Living Room
# Item Description CFT CP # PBO# Comment
2Tv 55in820 
1Crib, Baby1210 
1Changing table 2510 
1Wooden shelf 510 
1Rugs, Large Roll or Pad1210 
1Floor mirror 710 
2Chair, outdoor1220 
1Small table 510 

Total Cubic Feet: 86                   Total Weight:539.5

Master Bedroom
# Item Description CFT CP # PBO# Comment
61.5 Carton, Small (Book)960 
63.0 Carton, medium1860 
65.0 Carton, China Barrel3060 

Total Cubic Feet: 57                   Total Weight:372

Carrier Packing & Crating Summary

Carrier Pack

# Item Description Room
61.5 Carton, Small (Book)Master Bedroom
63.0 Carton, mediumMaster Bedroom
65.0 Carton, China BarrelMaster Bedroom


Item Description Cartons # Pack-CP # PBO #
1.5 Carton, Small (Book)660
3.0 Carton, medium660
5.0 Carton, China Barrel660

Signing below acknoledges receipt an estimate of your move based on the Table of Measurments. Only the items listed are included in the cost. Any items added or additional services may result in additional cost.

Customer Signature