Dear Mr. Ofir Yuval

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Ofir Yuval  
Survey Date: 12-Oct-2022  
Origin Address: 49 Sokolov st. apt 38
Floor number #10; Elevator;
* LongCarry; Distance100m;
* Difficult Access;
Destination Address: WDC, Virginia
United States

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
home suplies40.40 ---------
Kitchenware30.1819.5 ---------
Ornaments10.110.5 ---------
Carriage, Baby10.6871 ---------
bedding20.20 ---------
Pots & Pans20.2829 ---------
Rocking Chair10.6567.5 ---------
Glassware20.221 ---------
Cutlery10.1414.5 ---------
Towels20.221 ---------
Shoes20.221 ---------
Clothes, Hanging20.994 ---------
Guitar10.220.5 ---------
Picture10.2526 ---------
stationary20.160 ---------
Clothes60.663 ---------
Books20.1213 ---------
Chair, office10.4547 ---------
Chest of Drawers11.1114.5 ---------
Bed, Double Size12.15224 ---------
Total 9.16874  
**פירוק מיטה עם מפתח שוודי /בוקסות
**parking problem, long carry and shuttle
Owner Signature
Image Description

possible parking spot on Shenkar street

100 meters long carry


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box5
Medium Box13
Large Box2
Flat Box1
Stand Up Box2