Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: Lalini VEERASSAMY Phone: 0873621383
Survey Date: 05-Aug-2022  
Origin Address: 32 Clayfarm Drive
Leopardstown, Dublin 18
Floor number #0;
Destination Address: Tehran,

Floor number #1;

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CFT) Weight (LBs) Comment Room
Urn1639 Yard
Urn1958.5 Kitchen
Toy kitchen1852 Kitchen
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1958.5 Kitchen
Buffet Cabinet120130 Kitchen
Cartons, Small (Book)51065 Kitchen
Cartons, Medium1768442 Kitchen
Chair, Occasional1532.5 Kitchen
Freezer11065 Kitchen
Cartons, Large21278 Kitchen
Cartons, Medium31278 Kitchen
Cartons, Small (Book)1213 Kitchen
Bookcase155357.5 Kitchen
Picture116.5 Kitchen
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad1426 Kitchen
Sofa/ Couch, 2 Cushion142273 Kitchen
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1426 Kitchen
Foot Stool2852 Kitchen
Stool large 21278 Kitchen
TV1319.5 Kitchen
Chair, Dining630195 Kitchen
Table, Dining142273 Kitchen
BBQ16582 Yard
Bench120130 Yard
Bench11278 Yard
Garden table145292.5 Yard
Firepit1426 Yard
Trampoline11597.5Large. Disassemble
Cartons, Large21278 Yard
Cartons, Medium1426 Yard
Chair, Occasional448312 Yard
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1532.5 Yard
Table, Dining142273 Living Room
Chair, Dining630195 Living Room
Easal1532.5 Living Room
Cartons, Mirror1319.5 Living Room
Sofa/ Couch, 3 Cushion2120780 Living Room
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest118117 Living Room
Shelf116104 Living Room
Cartons, Medium728182 Living Room
Buffet Cabinet140260 Living Room
Globe1639 Living Room
Digital piano135227.5 Living Room
Stool1426 Living Room
Picture1213 Living Room
Table top1426 Living Room
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad1426 Hallway
Headboard1532.5Antique decoration
Chest11065 Hallway
Cartons, Mirror1319.5 Hallway
Display cab 11065 Hallway
Cartons, Medium1426 Hallway
Cartons, Medium1426 Hallway
Child safety gate3639 Hallway
Cartons, Mirror116.5 Hallway
Chest1852 Hallway
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad1426 Hallway
Desk, Small or Winthrop127175.5 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Small (Book)3639 Bedroom #1
Office chair11597.5 Bedroom #1
Sideboard11597.5 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Medium1426 Bedroom #1
Chair, Occasional11278 Bedroom #1
Plastic Box21065 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe224156 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe21065 Bedroom #1
Bed, Bunk (Set of 2)170455Maybe. If going, disassemble
Bedroom #2
Cartons, Large530195 Bedroom #2
Mattress120130 Bedroom #2
Desk, Small or Winthrop127175.5 Bedroom #2
Stool1426 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Small (Book)51065 Bedroom #2
Toy box1745.5 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe630195 Bedroom #2
Foot Lockers1639 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe31597.5 Hallway
Cartons, Small (Book)1213 Bathroom
Bed, Double Size160390 Bedroom #3
Cartons, Large318117 Bedroom #3
Chest1639 Bedroom #3
Locker1532.5 Bedroom #3
Lamp, Floor or Pole1426 Bedroom #3
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest2639 Bedroom #3
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe224156 Bedroom #3
Plastic Box31597.5 Bedroom #3
Cartons, Medium1426 Bedroom #3
Picture3319.5 Hallway
Bicycle234221 Yard
Bicycle, Kids11065 Yard
Door, antique1639Double wrap. Heavy duty cardboard
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe10120780 Wardrobe
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe1155357.5 Wardrobe
Clothes rail1532.5 Wardrobe
Plastic Box1532.5 Wardrobe
Sofa/ Couch, 2 Cushion155357.5 Wardrobe
Ironing Board1319.5 Wardrobe
Bookshelves, Sectional11278 Bedroom #4
Lamp, Floor or Pole1426 Bedroom #4
Cartons, Medium1426 Bedroom #4
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad1426 Bedroom #4
Sofa Bed160390Heavy
Bedroom #4
TV1532.5 Bedroom #4
Chair, Occasional11278 Bedroom #4
Chest21278 Bedroom #4
Bed, King Size175487.5 Bedroom #4
Travelcot1532.5 Bedroom #4
Urn1532.5 Bedroom #4
Attic misc150325 ---------
Total 198513445.5  
**Trampoline to be disassembled. Bunk bed to be disassembled. Crate for glass top. Double cardboard antique door. Sofa bed at top of house.
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box15
Medium Box33
Large Box15
Flat Box27
Stand Up Box14