Dear Mr. Zak Liad

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Zak Liad  
Survey Date: 20-Jun-2022  
Origin Address: Givat Haim Ihud
Destination Address: Rome,

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Refrigerator11.175 ---------
home suplies50.575 ---------
File Cabinet10.3515 ---------
End Table10.5759 ---------
Bed, Youth11.02106 ---------
Chair, Arm32.4250.5 ---------
Clothes Hamper102.5265 ---------
Bicycle, Kids30.8488.5 ---------
Bicycle20.96100 ---------
BBQ Grill10.883.5????
Corner Lamp Shade10.220.5 ---------
Stool10.1112 ---------
Bed, Youth11.5156 ---------
Child's Table10.1717.5 ---------
bedding70.784 ---------
Toys121.68174 ---------
Clothes, Hanging20.994 ---------
Bookcase10.6871 ---------
Table10.1717.5 ---------
Wardrobe, Large11.78186customer will disassemble
Toolbox30.5152.5 ---------
Power Tools10.3435.5 ---------
Dining Chair41.68176 ---------
Table, Dining11.19124 ---------
Corner Shelf10.4547 ---------
Chest of Drawers10.99103 ---------
baby bed10.5540 ---------
Bed, King Size12.12221 ---------
Clothes212.1220.5 ---------
Glassware101105 ---------
Cutlery20.2829 ---------
Kitchen Appliances30.331.5 ---------
Kitchenware40.2426 ---------
Pots & Pans20.2829 ---------
Music Cabinet10.3435.5 ---------
Bench10.3435.5 ---------
comode10.3510 ---------
Shoes40.442 ---------
Chest of Drawers10.6550 ---------
Books20.1213 ---------
TV10.2526.5 ---------
Buffet11.25129.5 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion12.2229 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, 3 Cushion11.7177 ---------
Total 38.583935  
**no parking - shuttle needed
Owner Signature
Article WLHNotesRoom
Wardrobe, Large


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box6
Medium Box38
Large Box14
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box2