Dear Mr. Mr. Cho Sung Ho

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Hagai Shahar

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Mr. Cho Sung Ho  
Survey Date: 31-May-2022  
Origin Address: Beni Berman 9, apt 62, 16th fl

Destination Address: Dubai,
United Arab Emirates

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Cartons, Medium656.5682.5 Kitchen
Refrigerator23.68383 Kitchen
Microwave10.1414.5 Kitchen
Sofa/ Couch, 3 Cushion11.7177 Kitchen
Sofa/ Couch, 2 Cushion11.19124 Kitchen
Single mattress21.2120 Kitchen
Bookcase42.72284 Kitchen
Yoga Mat30.4243.5 Kitchen
Toys11104 Kitchen
End Table10.5759 Kitchen
Utility Cabinet10.3435.5 Kitchen
Shoe Cabinet10.3435.5 Kitchen
TV10.2526.5 Kitchen
Top table10.110.5 Kitchen
File Cabinet10.2526 Kitchen
Bed, Double Size11.98206.5 Kitchen
Bookcase10.6871 Kitchen
Computer20.441 Kitchen
Desk10.99103 Kitchen
Printer10.089 Kitchen
Dining Chair41.68176 Kitchen
Table, Dining11.19124 Kitchen
End Table10.5759 Kitchen
Fan20.3435 Kitchen
Vacuum Cleaner10.1717.5 Kitchen
Night Table10.1717.5 Kitchen
Bed queen12199.5 Kitchen
Total 30.633174  

Owner Signature
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box0
Medium Box65
Large Box1
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0