Dear Mr. Marek Strosin

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Marek Strosin  
Survey Date: 22-May-2022  
Origin Address: United States

Destination Address:

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
carpet10.20 ---------
plastic boxes121.2144 ---------
Flower Pots10.3435.5 ---------
cosmetics10.080 ---------
Clothes121.2126 ---------
Office Chair10.4244 ---------
Clothes, Hanging31.35141 ---------
Books40.2426 ---------
Metal Shelves10.1717.5 ---------
Clothes90.994.5 ---------
Towels20.221 ---------
plastic boxes30.36 ---------
Xmas Tree10.4244 ---------
Picture20.552 ---------
Toys91.26130.5 ---------
Camping Equipment60.8487 ---------
key board 10.320 ---------
Speaker20.552 ---------
TV Stand10.4820 ---------
TV20.55365"tv with original box
Sports Equipment20.994 ---------
Folding Chair20.2224 ---------
Bicycle20.96100 ---------
Shoes80.884 ---------
bedding30.30 ---------
Clothes, Hanging31.35141 ---------
Dining Chair62.52264 ---------
Ornaments30.331.5 ---------
Basket (Clothes)40.6870 ---------
bedding30.30 ---------
Bar, Portable10.5153 ---------
carpet10.20 ---------
Tea Cart31.02106.5 ---------
corner stand10.5759 ---------
Folding Table10.2829.5 ---------
art stuff40.248 ---------
Table, Dining11.19124 ---------
Cutlery20.2829 ---------
Kitchenware60.3639 ---------
Pots & Pans30.4243.5 ---------
Glassware222.2231 ---------
car12815002018 Toyota 4Runner
Total 55.024139  
Electric Appliance20.2829 ---------
Clothes50.552.5 ---------
Exercise equipment10.9935 ---------
Bicycle10.4812 ---------
electronics40.240 ---------
Office Chair10.4215 ---------
Computer table10.7679.5 ---------
Computer Set20.750 ---------
electronic games30.30gaming joysticks
Plastic Box10.0810 ---------
Printer20.16182 3-d printers
Toolbox30.5152.5 ---------
tools40.40 ---------
Total 5.82354  
**uab and hhg on the same day.packing days: june 19+20th. POV to our compound on June 27th.
**may need 2 packing days.
**customer will drive the car to our compound
Owner Signature
Article WLHNotesRoom
customer will drive to us---------
3-d printers---------
electronic games
computer set- up---------
tv with original box---------


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box10
Medium Box61
Large Box12
Flat Box2
Stand Up Box6