Dear Mr. Sa’az Sebastian

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Avi AYASH

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Sa’az Sebastian  
Survey Date: 09-May-2022  
Origin Address: Israel
Floor number #0;
Destination Address:

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Bicycle10.4850 ---------
Cooler Box10.2425 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, 3 Cushion11.7177 ---------
Lamp, Floor or Pole30.3336 ---------
Pillows80.440 ---------
Kitchen152.55262.5 ---------
Bookcase117.48781 ---------
Picture70.3535 ---------
Books241.2120 ---------
Folding Chair40.4448 ---------
Clothes262.6273 ---------
Computer Monitor20.3435 ---------
Desk, Secretary11.45151 ---------
Metal Shelves50.8587.5 ---------
Tiles20.110 ---------
Decorations111.54159.5 ---------
Sawing machin20.221 ---------
Chair, Rocker20.8488 ---------
Office Chair31.26132 ---------
Folding Chair80.8896 ---------
Chest of Drawers21.98206 ---------
Misc.50.445 ---------
Linen10.110.5 ---------
Rugs, Large Roll or Pad41.36142 ---------
TV10.4547 ---------
Bathroom items10.110.5 ---------
Total 29.743095.5  

Owner Signature
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box0
Medium Box0
Large Box0
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0