Dear Mr. Ben Basat David

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Ben Basat David  
Survey Date: 20-Apr-2022  
Origin Address: 40 Lerer
Ness Ziona
Floor number #3; Elevator;
* small elevator
Destination Address: Vancouver, British Columbia

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Ironing Board10.089 ---------
home suplies40.42 ---------
car seat10.20 ---------
car seat10.20 ---------
Toolbox10.1717.5 ---------
Bicycle, Kids20.5659 ---------
Bags10.110.5 ---------
Shoe Cabinet20.6871mirror doors
Bookcase11.1114.5 ---------
Computer Monitor20.3435 ---------
Books40.2426 ---------
Desk10.99103 ---------
End Table21.14118 ---------
Bed, Youth11.5156 ---------
TV10.2526.5 ---------
Desk10.99103 ---------
Bookcase10.6871 ---------
Bed, King Size12.8291.5disassembly
garden table10.735 ---------
garden chair30.750 ---------
gardenfurniture10.956.5 ---------
Kitchenware30.1819.5 ---------
Buffet11.25129.5 ---------
Pillows10.1414.5 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion12.04212.5 ---------
Table10.6535 ---------
Clock10.2323.5 ---------
Table, Dining11.3135.5 ---------
Chair, Dining41.6166 ---------
home suplies30.30 ---------
Pots & Pans30.4243.5 ---------
Cutlery20.2829 ---------
Glassware121.2126 ---------
electronics10.060 ---------
Clothes131.3136.5 ---------
Office Chair20.8488 ---------
Wardrobe, Large11.78186diss-reasembly
Total 28.42595  
bedding70.784 ---------
Towels20.221 ---------
Clothes40.442 ---------
Chair, High10.1710 ---------
Shoes20.221 ---------
Toys20.2829 ---------
Pots & Pans10.110.5 ---------
Cutlery10.1414.5 ---------
Glassware20.221 ---------
Vacuum Cleaner10.1720 ---------
Total 2.56272  
**external elevator, disassembly of a 2 door wardrobe.
**air freight packing on a later date: July 10th.
Owner Signature
Article WLHNotesRoom
Wardrobe, Large
2 door eardrobe disasembly---------
Chair, Dining
dining table - disassembly---------
heavy wooden table---------


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box7
Medium Box36
Large Box7
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0