On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Avi Ayash

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: VARDI TAL  
Survey Date: 15-Nov-2021  
Origin Address:  
Destination Address:

Description Qnt. Volume (CFT) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Bookshelf12058.5 ---------
Misc.61854 ---------
Guitar1720.5 ---------
kitchen toys1824 ---------
Bookcase248142 ---------
Porch Table11235.5 ---------
Bench448142 ---------
Cabinet, China160177 ---------
Rug11647 ---------
Coffee Table12059 ---------
TV Stand146135.5 ---------
Sofa 112161.5 ---------
Sofa 3167197 ---------
Piano Upright177227 ---------
Chest of Drawers159174 ---------
Table, Dining142124 ---------
Chair, Dining456166 ---------
Kitchen1060175 ---------
Table112.536.5 ---------
Bookcase248142 ---------
Clothes1035105 ---------
Toys1966.5199.5 ---------
comod149.5146 ---------
Mattress375220.5 ---------
Night Table21235 ---------
Bed, King Size175221 ---------
Child's Table53087.5 ---------
Bookshelf147.5139.5 ---------
Camping Equipment1575217.5 ---------
Bicycle, Kids22059 ---------
Tool Box735101.5 ---------
End Table240118 ---------
Shoes62163 ---------
Bicycle234100 ---------
Carriage, Baby372213 ---------
Total 14334224.5  
Clothes1449147 ---------
Toys1242126 ---------
Kitchen82884 ---------
Total 120354  

Owner Signature
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box0
Medium Box0
Large Box0
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0