Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: Farrah McKay
Survey Date: 10-Nov-2021  
Origin Address: 112a Foxrock Grove
Dublin 18
Floor number #0;
Destination Address: 1 Library Crescent
Shankill, Co Dublin,

Floor number #0;

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CFT) Weight (LBs) Comment Room
Cartons, Medium2288572 Kitchen
Cartons, Small (Book)2426 Kitchen
Microwave Oven1426 Kitchen
Table, Dining142273 Kitchen
Chair, Dining630195 Kitchen
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad1426 Kitchen
Bookcase124156 Kitchen
Clothes rack2639 Kitchen
Tool Box1532.5 Kitchen
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe1532.5 Kitchen
Chest of Drawers11597.5 Kitchen
Whicker chair125162.5 Kitchen
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1532.5 Kitchen
Chair, Occasional11278 Kitchen
Stool large 424156 Kitchen
Whicker chair224156 Living Room
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad1426 Living Room
Stool1319.5 Living Room
Cartons, Medium2852 Living Room
Cartons, Large1639 Living Room
Sofa/ Couch, Sectional, Per Section185552.5 Living Room
Chest of Drawers125162.5 Living Room
Cartons, Small (Book)4852 Living Room
Trolley1532.5 Living Room
TV1958.5 Living Room
TV Stand11278 Living Room
Cartons, Mirror1213 Living Room
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest31278 Living Room
Cartons, Mirror1319.5 Hallway
Ornaments1426 Hallway
Shelf120130 Hallway
Cartons, Small (Book)2426 Hallway
Coatstand11597.5 Hallway
Cartons, Medium2852 Storage
Xmas decs11597.5 Storage
PBO1532.5 Storage
Chair, Dining1532.5 Storage
Locker315450 Storage
Dehumidifier1319.5 Storage
Stepper1319.5 Storage
Painting71491 Storage
Shoe Cabinet1532.5 Storage
Lamp, Floor or Pole2852 Storage
Bed290585 Storage
Cartons, Large1639 Storage
Curtains1319.5 Storage
Chairs, Folding1319.5 Study
Step Ladder1639 Study
Ironing Board1319.5 Study
Rack1426 Study
Chest of Drawers11597.5 Study
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe21065 Study
Cartons, Mirror116.5 Study
Misc.1319.5 Study
Cartons, Medium1426 Study
PBO1532.5 Study
Misc.1319.5 Study
Cabinet, China130195 Hallway
Cartons, Medium520130 Hallway
Bookcase124156 Bathroom
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe21065 Bathroom
Towel rail1319.5 Bathroom
Vase1319.5 Hallway
Cartons, Mirror1639 Hallway
Cartons, Medium1426 Hallway
Printer1319.5 Hallway
Cartons, Small (Book)4852 Hallway
Stool2426 Hallway
Chest of Drawers11597.5 Hallway
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe31597.5 Hallway
Cartons, Small (Book)1213 Hallway
Cartons, Medium1426 Hallway
Suitcase525162.5 Bedroom #1
Vacuum Cleaner1639 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Large530195 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe31597.5 Bedroom #1
Dressing table135227.5 Master Bedroom
Stool1426 Master Bedroom
Cartons, Small (Book)1213 Master Bedroom
Bed, King Size175487.5 Master Bedroom
Cartons, Large21278 Master Bedroom
Bedside tables21065 Master Bedroom
Chest of Drawers125162.5 Master Bedroom
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe840260 Master Bedroom
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe448312 Master Bedroom
Cartons, Mirror1213 Master Bedroom
Chairs, Folding1319.5  
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad1426  
Bathroom cab11597.5 Bathroom
Cartons, Small (Book)3639 Bathroom
Basket1532.5 Bathroom
Clothes rail1532.5 Bathroom
Suitcase1639 Bathroom
Plant175487.5 Yard
Bench11278 Yard
Garden Hose and Tools3639 Wardrobe
Misc.11065 Yard
Garden furn165422.5 Yard
Storage Unit11596 Yard
Lawn Mower, Power11278 Yard
Bookshelves, Sectional11278 Yard
Garden Hose and Tools1532.5 Yard
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest21065 Yard
Total 154910419.5  

Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box17
Medium Box35
Large Box14
Flat Box19
Stand Up Box4