Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: Mr. Priya Sharan Goswani
Survey Date: 28-Oct-2021  
Origin Address: Brazil
Floor number #0;
Destination Address:

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Box 1 - Fragile20.2223 Hallway
Box 2 - Medium30.3637.5 Kitchen
Box 2 - Medium60.7275 Kitchen
Shoe Cabinet10.1313.5 Laundry Room
Box 2 - Medium20.3100Food
Laundry Room
Box 4 - Flat10.1616.5 Laundry Room
Basket (Clothes)10.1717.5 Laundry Room
Box 2 - Medium30.3150 Laundry Room
Box 1 - Fragile40.4446 Bedroom #1
Box 4 - Flat10.1616.5 Bedroom #1
Box 2 - Medium20.2223 Bedroom #1
Box 4 - Flat71.12115.5 Bedroom #2
Box 2 - Medium10.1111.5 Bedroom #2
Box 2 - Medium40.442 Bedroom #2
Box 4 - Flat10.1616.5 Bedroom #3
Box 4 - Flat40.6466 Bedroom #3
Box 1 - Fragile80.88400 Bedroom #4
Box 4 - Flat10.1616.5 Bedroom #4
Ironing Board10.221 Bedroom #4
Sewing Machine10.3435.5 Bedroom #4
Box 4 - Flat10.1616.5 Bedroom #5
Total 7.351259.5  
**Assunto: Quotation for pacing and forwarding of Consignment of Mr. Priya Sharan Goswami from Sao Paulo to Delhi by Air Cargo(Door to Port)

Dear Sir/Madam

Greetings from the Consulate General of India !

2. One of the official of the Consulate, Mr. Priya Sharan Goswami is going to Delhi(India) on final transfer from this Consulate we would like to send the personal baggage/ household items of Mr. Priya Sharan Goswami from Sao Paulo to Delhi by Air Cargo.

3. You are requested to send your representative to the residence of Mr. Priya Sharan Goswami( Alameda Fernao Cardim 251, Apt No. 111, Jardim paulista- Sao Paulo Mobile No. 976454967) to make a survey of her house hold items from 27.10.2021-28.10.2021. For the suitable time to make the survey you are requested to contact Mrs Priya Sharan Goswami.

4. Upon the basis of your survey, you may send your quotation for Door to Port Delivery i.e. from the residence of ( Mr. Priya Sharan Goswami in Sao Paulo to Delhi by Air Cargo) baggage of Mr. Priya Sharan Goswami ( Packing charges : Weight of baggage, total cost of packing, freight charges, any other charges to be paid in Sao Paulo, please bifurcate them).

5. You are requested to send your quotations at the earliest (on or before 05th November, 2021) . Upon awarding the job, Consulate will intimate the date of the packing work (most probably from/between 12.11.2021-13.11.2021) After packing of household items, you have to keep them in your storage till completion of local formalities/final disposal.

6. In case of any doubt you can revert to us.

7. Grateful for an urgent response.


Shiv Prasad
Assistant Vice Consul (Admin)
Consulate General of India Sao Paulo
Avenida Paulista, 925 – 7
November 15-20th
Owner Signature
Image Description

Zona azul


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box0
Medium Box0
Large Box0
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0