Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: Patricia O'Brien Phone: 0033776545053
Survey Date: 29-Oct-2021  
Origin Address: Paris
Floor number #1;
Destination Address: Rome,

Floor number #1;

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CFT) Weight (LBs) Comment Room
Cartons, Small (Book)816104 Living Room
Cartons, Medium520130 Living Room
Cartons, Medium520130 Hallway
Painting5532.5 Hallway
Cartons, Medium1426 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe224156 Bedroom #1
Cartons, Small (Book)2426 Study
Cartons, Medium1426 Study
Chest of Drawers11597.5 Hallway
Painting1213 Hallway
Stereo1532.5 Hallway
Consol table120130 Hallway
Cartons, Small (Book)2958377 Study
Bookcase145292.5 Study
Cartons, Medium31278 Study
Armchair11597.5 Study
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1532.5 Study
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe12144936 Hallway
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe1155357.5 Hallway
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad31278 Hallway
Bed, Double Size170455 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Large1639 Bedroom #2
Locker21278 Bedroom #2
Chest of Drawers11597.5 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe21065 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Medium416104 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Small (Book)3639 Bedroom #2
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1958.5 Bedroom #2
Lamp, Floor or Pole1426 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe840260 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe224156 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Small (Book)1213 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe336234 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Large1639 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Flat Wardrobe1532.5 Bedroom #2
Cartons, Small (Book)1213 Bathroom
Exercise Bike11597.5 Bathroom
Cartons, Small (Book)2426 Hallway
Cartons, Medium2852 Family Room
Painting2426 Family Room
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest21278 Family Room
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest1958.5 Family Room
Piano, Baby Gr. or Up.160420 Family Room
Stool1426 Family Room
TV1426 Family Room
TV Stand117110.5 Family Room
Cartons, Small (Book)1213 Family Room
Cartons, Mirror1319.5 Dining Room
Painting2426 Dining Room
Cartons, Medium31278 Dining Room
Cartons, Small (Book)4852 Dining Room
Painting1213 Hallway
Painting1213 Bedroom #3
Cartons, Medium31278 Kitchen
Cartons, Small (Book)2426 Kitchen
Bicycle351331.5 ---------
Table, Dining142273 ---------
Chair, Dining630195 ---------
PBO525162.5 ---------
Cheval mirror11065 Bedroom #3
Total 10927128  

Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box53
Medium Box27
Large Box3
Flat Box22
Stand Up Box19