Dear Mr. Loic Lesuave

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Loic Lesuave  
Survey Date: 19-Aug-2021  
Origin Address: 454 st. nr. 4 apt 1090
Floor number #12; Elevator;
* LongCarry; Distance70 m;
Destination Address: port of entry to France,

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Laundry Basket10.1414.5 ---------
Ladder10.2829.5 ---------
Ironing Board10.089 ---------
Iron10.066 ---------
Clothes30.4236 ---------
Fan10.1717.5 ---------
Power Tools10.112 ---------
Toolbox10.1717.5 ---------
Stove10.662.5 ---------
Bicycle20.96100 ---------
Books20.1216 ---------
Utility Cabinet31.02106.5 ---------
Chair, outdoor40.6870 ---------
Beach Chair10.159 ---------
garden table10.5535disassembly
Chair, Dining41.6166 ---------
Table, Dining11.19124disassembly
Chair, Arm10.773 ---------
Corner Lamp Shade10.220.5 ---------
Microwave10.1414.5 ---------
Bar, Portable10.5153ikea table in the kitchen
Refrigerator11.84191.5 ---------
Freezer10.3520 ---------
Dryer10.552 ---------
Washing Machine10.552 ---------
Shoe Cabinet10.3435.5 ---------
laundry wrack10.1510 ---------
Bed, Double Size11.98206.5 ---------
Vacuum Cleaner10.1717.5 ---------
Vanity Dresser10.6871 ---------
Shoes70.773.5 ---------
bedding20.280 ---------
Clothes70.773.5 ---------
Clothes, Hanging62.7282 ---------
Chest31.3575 ---------
Wardrobe, Large11.78186one piece
Exercise Bike10.5765 ---------
Bird Cage & Stand10.1717.5 ---------
Guitar10.220.5 ---------
Bed, Double Size11.98206.5 ---------
Picture10.2526 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion24.08425 ---------
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad10.1112 ---------
Coffee Table10.5759 ---------
TV Stand10.6567.5 ---------
TV20.120 ---------
Total 32.553253.5  
**6 hanging boxes, disassembly of a 4-door wardrobe, some items in storage room. Long walking distance .
Owner Signature
Image Description

איזור חניית משאיות


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box2
Medium Box17
Large Box0
Flat Box1
Stand Up Box6