Itemized Customer Survey/Inventory


20 mill share

Total Estimated Weight:2002 Total Estimated Cubic Feet:308 Total # of Items: 22

Items Inventory

Living Room
# Item Description CFT CP # PBO# Comment
1Sofa/ Couch, 3 Cushion6010Let hear extra care needed
1Lamp, Floor or Pole4102 metal lamps
2Storage Unit1020 
2Electronic equipment 1020 
2Table lamp 1020 
1Side table 2510 
2Chair, Arm4020Pink
1Wooden art chair 20102 chairs possible stack
1Coffee Table1010Glass shelves
1Rugs, Small Roll or Pad410 
1Storage Unit1210 

Total Cubic Feet: 205                   Total Weight:1332.5

Dining Room
# Item Description CFT CP # PBO# Comment
1Writers desk 3510 
2Artwork620Metal artwork needs extra care
1Side table 1010Fragile legs

1Living room knick knacks 510Small lamp
1Sports Equipment510Tennis rackets
1Sofa/ Couch, 2 Cushion4210Leather extra careneeeded

Total Cubic Feet: 103                   Total Weight:669.5

Carrier Packing & Crating Summary

Carrier Pack

# Item Description Room


Item Description Cartons # Pack-CP # PBO #

Signing below acknoledges receipt an estimate of your move based on the Table of Measurments. Only the items listed are included in the cost. Any items added or additional services may result in additional cost.

Customer Signature