Itemized Customer Survey/Inventory


Clarendon road job

Total Estimated Weight:650 Total Estimated Cubic Feet:100 Total # of Items: 1

Items Inventory

Master Bedroom
# Item Description CFT CP # PBO# Comment
1Inflatable bounce house10010 

Total Cubic Feet: 100                   Total Weight:650

Carrier Packing & Crating Summary

Carrier Pack

# Item Description Room


Item Description Cartons # Pack-CP # PBO #

**Crane truck needed

4 guys minimum to get outside

Strap inflatable bar to pallet or crate to be made rough cost(500$) client to make decision

ASAP for packing

Signing below acknoledges receipt an estimate of your move based on the Table of Measurments. Only the items listed are included in the cost. Any items added or additional services may result in additional cost.

Customer Signature
Image Description

Very heavy Bound house style floating bar 84 x 58 x 30 Strap to pallet for shipping

Behind church up hill Client needs to unlock gate for access