Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: Mrtyna Kumov
Survey Date: 25-May-2021  
Origin Address: Brazil
Floor number #0;
Destination Address:

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Puff20.2627 Bedroom #3
Coat Rack10.2425 Bedroom #3
Sofa Bed11.47153.5 Bedroom #2
Box 2 - Medium20.331 Bedroom #2
Painting10.011 Bedroom #2
Printer10.089 Bedroom #2
File Cabinet20.662 Bedroom #2
Office Chair10.4244 Bedroom #2
Desk, Small or Winthrop10.7679.5Optional
Bedroom #2
Box 6 - wardrobe51.45150 Bedroom #1
Chaise Lounge10.662.5 Yard
Trash Can30.331.5 Study
Box 4 - Flat10.1616.5 Study
Box 2 - Medium20.331 Study
Plastic Box10.089 Yard
Box 2 - Medium30.4546.5 Kitchen
Basket (Clothes)10.1717.5 Laundry Room
Corner Table10.110.5 Dining Room
Box 2 - Medium10.1515.5 Living Room
Box 1 - Fragile10.1414.5 Living Room
Box 2 - Medium10.1515.5 Living Room
Shoe Cabinet10.110.5 Yard
Utility Cabinet10.3435.5 Yard
Bicycle10.6567.5 Yard
Bed, Double Size11.98206.5Optional
Bedroom #3
Total 11.291174.5  
Box 5 - Books40.4446 Bedroom #2
Box 4 - Flat50.882.5 Bedroom #1
Box 4 - Flat40.6466 Bedroom #1
Box 2 - Medium20.331 Yard
Box 1 - Fragile30.4243.5 Living Room
Total 2.6270.5  
**To Spain 🇪🇸

I have a new AMAZON move for you!

Can you please reach out to Myrtna to schedule a survey?

Authorizations are as follows:

1 LDN by air
No Limit by Sea

Mobile: 55 (11) 99609 8388
Packing address: Rua Pascal, 1505 Bairro Campo Belo Sao Paulo 04616004 Brazil

Thank you,

Lindsay Hall
Senior Household Goods Specialist
Office: 303-214-6925 I Internal: 106925 I WorldWatch® 24-Hour Customer Care: 1.800.548.0331
Em andamento, previsão 10 de julho.
06 e 07 de julho.
Owner Signature
Image Description

10 cxs

4 unidades


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box0
Medium Box0
Large Box0
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0