Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: Anders Persson
Survey Date: 07-May-2021  
Origin Address: Brazil
Floor number #0;
Destination Address:

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Bookcase31.8187.5 Garage
Box 3 - Toys202.2230 Family Room
Coffee Table10.5860.5 Family Room
Corner Table20.221 Garage
Chair, Arm21.18124 Family Room
TV10.1212.5 Family Room
Stereo10.3435.5 Family Room
Audio Rack10.773 Family Room
Bookcase21.6167 Family Room
Toys20.2829 Family Room
Shelf30.099 Family Room
Breakfast Suite Chairs50.8587.5 Family Room
Breakfast Table10.883.5 Family Room
Bookcase31.2124.5 Family Room
Bookcase21.36142 Family Room
Box 5 - Books90.99103.5 Family Room
Guitar30.661.5 Family Room
Chest10.6871 Family Room
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad20.2224 Family Room
Table, childs10.2829.5 Family Room
Child Seat20.221 Family Room
Chest of Drawers10.662.5 Family Room
Plastic Box404420 Family Room
Box 4 - Flat50.882.5 Family Room
Night Table20.3435 Bedroom #1
Desk10.773 Bedroom #1
Chest of Drawers10.773 Bedroom #1
Chair, office10.4547 Bedroom #1
Box 4 - Flat335.28544.5 Bedroom #1
Painting40.044 Bedroom #1
Bed single22.38248 Bedroom #2
Chest of Drawers10.662.5 Bedroom #2
Box 4 - Flat81.28132 Bedroom #2
Audio Rack12208 Nursery
Trunk10.4244 Nursery
TV10.1212.5 Nursery
Chair, Arm10.5962 Nursery
Corner Table10.4244 Nursery
Lamp, Floor or Pole10.662.5 Nursery
Glass Table11.27132.5 Nursery
Chest of Drawers11.7177 Nursery
Chair, Arm10.5962 Nursery
Computer10.220.5 Nursery
Printer10.033 Nursery
Breakfast Suite Chairs10.1717.5 Nursery
Box 5 - Books111.21126.5 Nursery
Desk, Small or Winthrop21.52159 Bedroom #3
Chair, office10.4547 Bedroom #3
Breakfast Suite Chairs20.3435 Bedroom #3
Utility Cabinet10.3435.5 Bedroom #3
File Cabinet10.110.5 Bedroom #3
Bookcase10.6871 Bedroom #3
Box 4 - Flat111.65170.5 Bedroom #3
Box 6 - wardrobe41.12116 Bedroom #3
Bed single22.38248 Bedroom #4
Chest of Drawers10.773 Bedroom #4
Night Table10.1717.5 Bedroom #4
Box 4 - Flat172.55263.5 Bedroom #4
Chest10.6871 Living Room
Chair, Arm21.18124 Living Room
Box 1 - Fragile40.5658 Living Room
Coat Rack10.2425 Living Room
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion14416.5 Living Room
Chair, Arm21.18124 Living Room
Sofa 1 Cushion10.7982.5 Living Room
Corner Table20.066 Living Room
Puff20.221 Living Room
Painting20.022 Living Room
Chest of Drawers10.99103 Living Room
Stereo System10.662.5 Living Room
Box 1 - Fragile70.98101.5 Living Room
Table, Dining11.19124 Dining Room
Dining Chair83.36352 Dining Room
Sideboard10.662.5 Dining Room
Mirror101.6160 Dining Room
Rugs, Large Roll or Pad31.02106.5 Dining Room
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion12.04212.5 Gym
Chaise Lounge10.8588.5 Gym
Puff10.3132.5 Gym
Corner Table10.4244 Gym
Buffet Cabinet12208 Gym
Audio Rack21.2125 Gym
TV10.1212.5 Gym
Painting60.3636 Gym
Guitar10.220.5 Gym
Table, Dining11.19124 Yard
Breakfast Suite Chairs71.19122.5 Yard
Chair, Arm21.18124 Yard
Sideboard10.662.5 Yard
Bench10.3435.5 Yard
Coffee Table10.5759 Yard
Chair, Arm21.18124 Yard
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion14416.5 Yard
Bicycle20.96100 Yard
Bicycle, Kids30.8488.5 Yard
Bicycle, Tricycle30.7578 Yard
Ceilling light20.662 Yard
Dryer10.99103 Laundry Room
Washing Machine10.99103 Laundry Room
Utility Cabinet20.6871 Laundry Room
Shoe Cabinet10.110.5 Laundry Room
Ladder20.5659 Laundry Room
Box 1 - Fragile131.82188.5 Kitchen
Breakfast Suite Chairs61.02105 Kitchen
Breakfast Table10.662.5 Kitchen
Box 2 - Medium162.4248 Kitchen
Box 1 - Fragile50.772.5 Kitchen
Dishwasher10.6871 Kitchen
Utility Cabinet20.6871 Garage
Utility Cabinet20.442 Garage
Box 2 - Medium81.2124 Garage
Golf Bag/Clubs10.1717.5 Garage
Golf Trolley10.4244 Garage
Bags20.221 Garage
Bicycle10.4850 Garage
Windsurf board10.993.5 Garage
Total 11011449  
Virgínia Casiraghi - Argentina,
Cliente sueco ex Nokia.
Primeira semana de julho.
7 dias.

Dear Richard and Roberta,

Can you assist in contacting the assignee below and arrange the pre-move survey for preparing his upcoming move from Sao Paulo, BR - Buenos Aires, AR ?

Assignee’s name : Anders Persson
Email :
Phone number: 55 11 99962 7394

Origin address in Brazil: rua Jacunda 380, 05679-060 Sao Paulo Brazil.
Destination address in Argentina: Comodoro Rivadavia 550, 1609 Boulogne, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Preference for survey: first two weeks of May
Preference packing: First two weeks of July.
Planned departure: mid July
Brazil visa valid until 2026.
Argentina visa, none, but married to Argentine citizen.

Allowance volumes : Sea 60m3 in 1x40ft container
POE : to be informed , Argentina - can you advise suitable POE for Buenos Aires, AR ?

His previous move to Brazil in 2015 used a 1x40ft High Cube 76 cbm container . So kindly arrange 2 OS quotes (OS Freight rates) for allowance 60m3 net , and the total surveyed volume.

Kindly keep me updated once you have arrange the survey time with him, and the survey results along with OS quotes up to the suggested POE .

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

Thanh Doan (Mrs.)
Client Services
Owner Signature
Article WLHNotesRoom

2 x

Windsurf board


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box0
Medium Box2
Large Box2
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0