Note(s): **Harmony Virgínia Casiraghi - Argentina, Cliente sueco ex Nokia. Primeira semana de julho. 7 dias.
Dear Richard and Roberta, Can you assist in contacting the assignee below and arrange the pre-move survey for preparing his upcoming move from Sao Paulo, BR - Buenos Aires, AR ? Assignee’s name : Anders Persson Email : Phone number: 55 11 99962 7394 Origin address in Brazil: rua Jacunda 380, 05679-060 Sao Paulo Brazil. Destination address in Argentina: Comodoro Rivadavia 550, 1609 Boulogne, Buenos Aires, Argentina Preference for survey: first two weeks of May Preference packing: First two weeks of July. Planned departure: mid July Brazil visa valid until 2026. Argentina visa, none, but married to Argentine citizen. Allowance volumes : Sea 60m3 in 1x40ft container POE : to be informed , Argentina - can you advise suitable POE for Buenos Aires, AR ? His previous move to Brazil in 2015 used a 1x40ft High Cube 76 cbm container . So kindly arrange 2 OS quotes (OS Freight rates) for allowance 60m3 net , and the total surveyed volume. Kindly keep me updated once you have arrange the survey time with him, and the survey results along with OS quotes up to the suggested POE . Thank you in advance! Kind regards, Thanh Doan (Mrs.) Client Services