Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Noga Klieger  
Survey Date: 25-Oct-2020  
Origin Address: United States

Destination Address:

Packing Date:    

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Mirror10.1616.5 ---------
Dresser, Double11.7177.5 ---------
Shoes30.331.5 ---------
Shoe Cabinet10.3435.5 ---------
Vanity Dresser10.6871 ---------
Books100.445 ---------
Computer Set10.2526.5 ---------
Office Chair10.4244.5 ---------
Files20.1618 ---------
Night Table20.552 ---------
Bed, Double Size11.98207 ---------
Laundry Basket20.2830 ---------
Dryer, Electric or Gas10.8588.5 ---------
Washing Machine10.7174 ---------
Cartons, Stand-Up Wardrobe52.25235 ---------
Linen121.2126 ---------
Chair, Occasional20.6871 ---------
Clothes252.5262.5 ---------
Bed, Bunk (Set of 2)12208.5 ---------
Painting50.055 ---------
Printer10.089 ---------
Toys70.98105 ---------
Games60.663 ---------
Camping Equipment50.775 ---------
Garden Hose and Tools10.5153 ---------
Toolbox20.3435 ---------
Bicycle, Kids20.5659 ---------
Bicycle52.4250 ---------
BBQ Grill10.8791 ---------
Table, Dining11.19124 ---------
Chair, outdoor61.68174 ---------
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad10.1112 ---------
Lamp, Floor or Pole10.1112 ---------
End Table21.14118 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, 3 Cushion11.7177.5 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion12.04212.5 ---------
TV30.7579.5 ---------
Safe10.4247.5 ---------
Office Chair20.8489 ---------
Desk, Small or Winthrop21.52160 ---------
Linen50.552.5 ---------
Bed, Single or Hollywood23.06319 ---------
Bags30.331.5 ---------
Decorations40.5660 ---------
Books50.222.5 ---------
Dining Chair62.52267 ---------
Table, Dining11.19124 ---------
Mirror10.1616.5 ---------
Vanity Dresser10.6871 ---------
Trash Can10.2526.5 ---------
Kitchen Appliances60.663 ---------
Pots & Pans50.775 ---------
Glassware121.2126 ---------
Refrigerator11.84192 ---------
Kitchenware110.4449.5 ---------
Total 50.175249.5  

Owner Signature
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box26
Medium Box72
Large Box12
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box5