Dear Mr. יובל אלון

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Shimon keinan

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: יובל אלון  
Survey Date: 09-Jul-2020  
Origin Address: ההדס 38
Destination Address: וינה,

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Chair, Overstuffed10.5153 ---------
Bed single11.19124 ---------
Books, Medium box101105 ---------
Play Pen10.3435.5 ---------
Wardrobe, Small10.99103.5 ---------
Clothes202210 ---------
Night Table20.3435 ---------
Bed, Double Size11.98207 ---------
Toys30.4245 ---------
Puff10.3132.5 ---------
Desk, Small or Winthrop43.04320 ---------
Porch Table10.3435.5 ---------
Gulf bags20.8489 ---------
Fan10.1717.5 ---------
Yoga Mat30.4245 ---------
Cartons, Large10.1415 ---------
Barbecue/Grill10.3435.5 ---------
Toy, outdoor30.6970.5 ---------
Coffee Table21.14118 ---------
Wagon, Child's10.1717.5 ---------
Bicycle10.4850 ---------
Washing Machine10.7174 ---------
High Chair41.36142 ---------
Houseware60.4854 ---------
Dishes61.02105 ---------
Power Tools41.36142 ---------
Vacuum Cleaner20.3435 ---------
Utility Cabinet10.3435.5 ---------
Books, Medium box101105 ---------
Table, childs10.2829.5 ---------
Bench Harvest10.3435.5 ---------
Cartons, Large10.1415 ---------
Dining Chair62.52267 ---------
Breakfast Table10.3435.5 ---------
Television or Radio Console10.5153 ---------
Chair, Arm31.77186 ---------
Tables, Coffee, End or Nest10.2526.5 ---------
Tackle Box10.066 ---------
Television Screen11.02106.5 ---------
Bureau/Dresser/Chest21.7177 ---------
Total 32.43386  

Owner Signature
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box0
Medium Box40
Large Box5
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0