Dear Mr. Greek Embassy

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum (old)

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Greek Embassy  
Survey Date: 01-Jul-2020  
Origin Address: 119 Kaplan st. Herzeliya Pituach

Destination Address: 95 Haeshel street

Description Qnt. Volume (CFT) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Suitcase21235 ---------
Table11620 ---------
garden table12330 ---------
Corner Table11544 ---------
Towels41442 ---------
cosmetics51030 ---------
bedding4282 ---------
Shoes310.531.5 ---------
Clothes517.552.5 ---------
clothes wrak176 ---------
Chair, Arm6126372 ---------
End Table331.593 ---------
Clothes, Hanging11176517 ---------
Chest of Drawers235104 ---------
End Table21834 ---------
Bed, Double Size4280826 ---------
Mirror32163 ---------
Desk, Small or Winthrop117.540 ---------
Bookcase248142 ---------
Day Bed136106 ---------
Chair, Arm128.583.5 ---------
Vacuum Cleaner1617.5 ---------
Clothes1035105 ---------
Folding Table22059 ---------
Wine1050145 ---------
File Cabinet11544 ---------
Corner Lamp Shade1720.5 ---------
Ironing Board139 ---------
Trunk11544 ---------
home supplies6420 ---------
Bench135.550 ---------
Books102065 ---------
Ladder11029.5 ---------
garden table128.560 ---------
Dishwasher11430 ---------
Microwave1514.5 ---------
Kitchen Appliances2721 ---------
Pots & Pans313.540.5 ---------
Kitchenware61239 ---------
water dispencer110.540 ---------
Heater22059 ---------
Table, Dining142124 ---------
TV Stand119.540 ---------
tv 144 ---------
Bookcase372213 ---------
Corner Lamp Shade1720.5 ---------
Chest12471chest with marble top
Mirror15.516 ---------
Table470100 ---------
Chest of Drawers3105309 ---------
Picture1640120 ---------
Buffet128.583.5 ---------
Table, Dining170.5208 ---------
carpet7490 ---------
garden chair22275440 ---------
garden table128.560 ---------
Ornaments310.531.5 ---------
Corner Lamp Shade42882 ---------
Lamp, Floor or Pole72884 ---------
Glassware43150.5451.5 ---------
Bookcase135.5104 ---------
Tea Cart117.552 ---------
Chair, Arm373.5219 ---------
Coffee Table240118 ---------
Coffee Table654156 ---------
Chair, Dining263641079 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion65311563 ---------
Total 3512.59293.5  
**3 level house , 30 metets walking distance
Owner Signature
Owner Signature
Article WLHNotesRoom

living room

book case- desk---------
Table, Dining
dining table and chairs---------
Chest of Drawers
chest of drawers---------
table and mirror---------
table with marble top---------
Table, Dining
in the kitchen---------
water dispencer
garden table
garden table---------
Corner Lamp Shade
in the celler---------
Desk, Small or Winthrop
garden table

30 meters walking distance


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box16
Medium Box70
Large Box3
Flat Box16
Stand Up Box11