Dear Mr. Elias Ester

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Elias Ester  
Survey Date: 16-Jun-2020  
Origin Address: יהושע בן נון 32
תל אביב
Floor number #0;
Destination Address: Berlin,

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Coffee Machine10.1415 ---------
Wine40.5660 ---------
home supplies30.660 ---------
Books50.332.5 ---------
Bags20.221 ---------
Vacuum Cleaner10.1717.5 ---------
Ironing Board10.089 ---------
Iron10.066 ---------
Pillows30.3940.5 ---------
bedding40.880 ---------
Clothes111.1115.5 ---------
Clothes, Hanging52.25235 ---------
Shoes141.4147 ---------
corner stand10.5759 ---------
Dresser21.3136 ---------
Coffee Table10.5759 ---------
Mirror30.4849.5 ---------
Chair, Dining20.883 ---------
Table10.662.5 ---------
laundry wrack10.151.5 ---------
Pots & Pans30.3940.5 ---------
Food Stuff40.6870 ---------
Glassware30.331.5 ---------
Total 13.91427.5  
**דירה קטנה בקומת קרקע יש חניה לפריקה וטעינה בצמוד לבית
Owner Signature
Image Description

יהושע בן נון 31 תל אביב

יהושע בן נון 31

חניה צמודה לפריקה וטעינה


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box5
Medium Box30
Large Box6
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box5