Dear Mr. Heller Michelle Lisa storage

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Hagai Shahar

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Heller Michelle Lisa storage  
Survey Date: 10-Jun-2020  
Origin Address: Balfour 8
Tel Aviv

Destination Address:

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Bookcase32.04213 ---------
TV10.2526.5 ---------
TV Stand10.4850 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion12.04212.5 ---------
Ottoman10.2829.5 ---------
End Table21.14118 ---------
Bookcase53.4355 ---------
Total 9.631004.5  

Owner Signature
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box0
Medium Box0
Large Box0
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0