Dear Mr. Gregoire De Lassus

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Hagai Shahar

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Gregoire De Lassus  
Survey Date: 18-May-2020  
Origin Address: Pines street 39
Tel Aviv

Destination Address: Le Port Marly,

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Cartons, Medium190191995 ---------
Cartons, Small301.8180 ---------
Shoe Cabinet20.6871 ---------
Bookcase1912.921349 ---------
Coffee Table10.5759 ---------
Chair, Arm10.5962 ---------
End Table42.28236 ---------
Vase10.1415 ---------
Chair, Dining62.4249 ---------
Table, Dining11.19124 ---------
End Cabinet65.1531 ---------
Stool10.1112 ---------
Dresser10.6568 ---------
Mirror20.3233 ---------
Futon11.5150 ---------
Rugs, Large Roll or Pad10.3435.5 ---------
Ironing Board10.089 ---------
Chair, office20.995 ---------
Desk21.98207 ---------
Coat Rack10.2425 ---------
Bed, Bunk (Set of 2)12.38248 ---------
Bed, King Size12.12221.5 ---------
Wardrobe, Small10.99103.5 ---------
Wardrobe, Large610.681116 ---------
Ottoman10.2829.5 ---------
Dresser, Double11.7177.5 ---------
Total 70.697366.5  

Owner Signature
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box30
Medium Box190
Large Box0
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0