Dear Mr. Kimberly Stokes

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Kimberly Stokes  
Survey Date: 04-May-2020  
Origin Address: 18 Balfour street apt D57
Tel Aviv
Floor number #18; Elevator;
* LongCarry; Distance100;
* possible stair carry of large furniture and bed parts.
Destination Address: District of Columbia
United States

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Night Table10.2223 ---------
Ironing Board10.089 ---------
bedding20.43 ---------
Suitcase10.1717.5 ---------
Bags40.442 ---------
easle10.2515 ---------
Shoes40.442 ---------
Shoe Cabinet10.3435.5 ---------
Bed single11.19124fouton bed
Lamp, Floor or Pole10.2520 ---------
Toys60.7881doll house and toy kitchen
boxes70.4242 ---------
Bookshelves, Sectional41.36142 ---------
Bed, Double Size24.4459 ---------
Toys131.69175.5 ---------
Books120.7278 ---------
Storage box61.2123 ---------
baby stroler10.2510 ---------
Bicycle, Kids10.2829.5 ---------
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad20.2224 ---------
Blankets20.2830 ---------
Pillows20.2627 ---------
tv 10.127.5small tv
Chest of Drawers10.883.5 ---------
Fan10.1717.5 ---------
Towels10.110.5 ---------
Vacuum Cleaner10.1717.5 ---------
Xmas Tree10.4244.5tree and decorations
Clothes, Hanging73.15329 ---------
furniture parts52175garden chairs and table on the balcony
Ornaments40.442 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, Sectional, Per Section10.662.5 ---------
Games60.663 ---------
Computer10.088.5lap top computer
electronic equipment40.162 ---------
Mirror40.6466 ---------
Coffee Table10.5759round table
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion24.08425large sofa in 3 parts
Sand Box10.3435.5dog crate
Dining Chair41.68178 ---------
Bench10.662.5heavy wooden bench
Table, Dining11.8188heavy wooden table
Speaker20.552 ---------
Breakfast Table10.3435.5metal with glass top
Wine20.283014 wine bottles in the apartment and wine celler
Chest10.6871 ---------
Mirror10.225large mirror in haulway
Picture70.5659.5 ---------
Clothes262.6273 ---------
Bench10.548 ---------
Mirror10.1616.5 ---------
Glassware202210 ---------
utensils80.880 ---------
Kitchenware130.7884.5 ---------
Tray10.110.5 ---------
Pots & Pans70.9194.5 ---------
Towels30.331.5 ---------
Kitchen Appliances50.552.5 ---------
Total 45.524617  
**100 meters long walk,possible stair carry of large bed parts
**hhe+ pov
**customer left early, person in charge: Julie Tomlinson
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box25
Medium Box73
Large Box28
Flat Box7
Stand Up Box7