Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: Ricardo de Castro D’Avila Filho
Survey Date: 31-Mar-2020  
Origin Address: Brazil
Floor number #0;
Destination Address:

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Box 1 - Fragil81.04108 Kitchen
Bicycle, Kids10.2829.5 Laundry Room
Bicycle, Tricycle10.110.5 Laundry Room
Toolbox10.1717.5 Laundry Room
Tool Box10.110.5 Laundry Room
Box 5 - Livros40.3234 Living Room
Box 1 - Fragil30.3940.5 Living Room
Box 5 - Livros70.5659.5 Bedroom #1
Plastic Box10.089 Bedroom #1
Box 3 - Brinquedos30.2122.5 Bedroom #1
Trunk10.221 Bedroom #1
Box 3 - Brinquedos80.5660 Bedroom #2
Box 4 - Valise10.1515.5 Bedroom #2
Box 4 - Valise60.993 Bedroom #3
Box 2 - Media10.1313.5 Bedroom #3
Plastic Box30.2427 Laundry Room
Total 5.46569  
***Solicitação da Hilldrup - booking
Please have someone reach out to Ricardo DeCastro D Avila Filho to schedule a survey appointment and let me know once confirmed. Destination/ APOE: Houston, TX. This is a booked move.


Address: Rua Indiana, 173, AP201 2 andar Nova Suica, Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais, Brazil 30421-322
Mobile: 55 31 99208 4718 (WhatsApp)


Survey: anytime
Pack/Load: possibly August, will need to reconfirm this

ALLOWANCE/AUTHORIZATION: Allowance is: 1.47 CBM / 350 lbs. net / 1.75 CBM / 434 lbs. gross by air in D Container.

Contact the customer and let me know of the survey date and time as soon as it is scheduled.

Perform a survey estimating the volume. When a customer has multiple shipments, a detailed survey results must be provided for each shipment. Surveys are required to be accurate within /- 10% when compared to the final weight and volume. If you exceed this, your office will not be paid for additional charges and may be liable for additional transportation charges.
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box0
Medium Box0
Large Box0
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0