Note(s): **Solicitação da Graebel *Amazon Hope you are doing well. Here’s another export from Recife to Vancouver, Canada. Please see details below and let me know if you can help. If so, can you please have someone reach out to EE directly to discuss dates and set up the survey?
Personal Details
• EE’s name: Leonardo Mendes • Email: • Mobile: 5581982649846 • Packing address: Estrada do Encampment 1752 APT 1102 Recife Pernambuco 52070 • Citizenship: Brazilian • Visa/Work permit: Pending
Air: 62cuft Sea: as per survey
Survey Date: TBC Packing Date: TBC
NOTE: I will NOT be in direct contact with the EE so please mention you are reaching out on behalf of Graebel or Michelle.
Please keep me posted once you talk to the EE.
Thank you very much and have a great day,
Stay safe! Stay healthy!!