Note(s): ***Solicitação do agente CMS Group of Companies *Empresa do cliente: BioMarin Pharmaceutical *Mudança Internacional SP x London, United Kingdom *Vistoria será com a esposa - Celina Kazumi Iwasa /11-98409-8155 *Endereço: Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, 362 casa 2 - Pinheiros.
Detalhes: Hi Amanda,
Please perform a Survey for the following household good shipment AND prepare and schedule a pack and load.
Customer: Mr. Aurelio Yamada
Booking Agent: CMS Group of Companies
Contact Information:
Home Phone: 55-11-98409-8155- please contact the wife Celina Kazumi Iwasa
Home Email: :
Origin Address: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Destination: London, United Kingdom Please set up the survey and advise me of the date and time.
Account: National Account Move Date: April Allowance: 1 x 20’ container and 100kgs via air
Please discharge to POE Southampton and APOE London Heathrow airport Brasileiro com visto ok. 20 e 22/04.