Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: Paulo Silva
Survey Date: 13-Jan-2020  
Origin Address: Brazil
Floor number #0;
Destination Address:

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Bicycle20.883 Living Room
Desk, Small or Winthrop10.552 Living Room
Box 2 - Media41.44150 Living Room
Painting10.066 Living Room
TV10.2526.5 Living Room
File Box10.1415 Living Room
Box 2 - Media30.3940.5 Living Room
Total 3.58373.5  
Box 1 - Fragil101.8190 Kitchen
Luggage10.110.5 Kitchen
Total 1.9198  
**Solicitação da Santa Fe - Concorrência com mais uma empresa.
*Mudança para a semana do dia 20/01.
Pre-Move Survey Request

Dear Miguel
Happy New Year to you!

Can you please contact Paulo Silva on our behalf to do a telephone-/ self- or pre-move survey for their forthcoming move to the area of Amsterdam in The Netherlands.
Mr is on holiday in Brasil right now and will travel home next Monday (6 hour drive in the morning). So If you could call him, today or tomorrow, that will be great!

Please confirm the survey date and time or results of the telephone/virtual/self survey to me as soon as scheduled. Mr does not move many things and has a good idea of what he will be moving. Mainly smalls and 2 bikes, 1 tv and a desk.

Contact Information:
Account Danone
Transferee Mr. Paulo Silva
Rua Vereador Rubens de Paiva, 210
Bairro Santa Ângela
CEP: 37701-462
Poços de Caldas - MG - Brasil
55 35 99147 4424
55 35 98416 6120
Ambos WhatsApp

E-mail: OR
Moving to Amsterdam/ Amstelveen, The Netherlands
Expected move date end of January
Sea - 6 cbm net
Road -
Air - 3 cbm net
Storage -
Authorised packing type FEP
Survey results & price required by Within 48 hours after pre-move survey

Additional information & Special Instructions:

Please note that a physical survey must be performed. When, for whatever reason, this was not possible please indicate clearly on your survey sheet with an explanation. Do not discuss prices or volumes with the transferee.
After the survey, please advise the following:

1. Estimated volume and weight
2. Requested packing / moving date
3. Your rate for full origin service
4. Sea and/or air freight to best port/airport: ...
5. Additional services, e.g.: electrician, piano/vehicle handling, wooden crates,
outside elevator, storage in transit required etc.

Please keep me updated at all times.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation,

Kind regards,
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box0
Medium Box0
Large Box0
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0