Survey Summary

Customer Information

Shipper Name: 18644 Sandra Burgener Phone: 18600253151 / 18600253151 / 18600253151
Survey Date: 15-Jan-2020  
Origin Address: Sanlitun Soho, Tower 15, Apt. 2006Beijing, China
Floor number #1;
Destination Address: Sydney,

Floor number #1;

Items Inventory

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Safe10.125 ---------
Bed frame10.45103.5 ---------
Chest of Drawers10.492 ---------
TV10.246 ---------
Books80.48112 ---------
Clothes, Hanging41.6368 ---------
Chairs, Folding40.3274 ---------
Treadmill10.492 ---------
Toys20.3274 ---------
Bed, Bunk (Set of 2)12460 ---------
Bedding40.672 ---------
Utility Cabinet10.9207 ---------
Wardrobe, Large23690 ---------
Bathroom items70.7161 ---------
Tableware71.19154 ---------
Buffet Cabinet10.9207 ---------
Dining Chair60.9207 ---------
Table, Dining10.5115 ---------
Decorations121.68384 ---------
Coffee Maker10.0818.5 ---------
Cabinet, Filing20.68156 ---------
Picnic Table10.492 ---------
bucket20.420 ---------
Kitchenware152.4555 ---------
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad10.1125.5 ---------
Wine50.370 ---------
Corner Table41.2276 ---------
Lamp, Floor or Pole10.246 ---------
Love Seat21.8414 ---------
Sewing Machine10.492 ---------
Coffee Table10.5115crate: 125*35*60
Mirror10.369crate: 200*80*9
Picture20.246 ---------
Bags30.45103.5 ---------
Coats10.492 ---------
Laundry Basket10.1432 ---------
Corner Table10.369 ---------
Vase30.4296 ---------
Shoes60.9207 ---------
Total 28.236236  
Suitcase20.369 ---------
Total 0.369  

Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box0
Medium Box0
Large Box0
Flat Box0
Stand Up Box0