Dear Mr. Chomer Dorit ( Shula Gattegno)

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum (old)

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Chomer Dorit ( Shula Gattegno)  
Survey Date: 09-Dec-2019  
Origin Address: 16 Disenchik
Tel Aviv
Floor number #1; Elevator;
Destination Address: London /Shefield ,
England, UK

Description Qnt. Volume (CFT) Weight (KG) Comment Room
Corner Shelf23294 ---------
Sofa/ Couch, 4 Cushion188.5260.5 ---------
Chair, Dining484250chairs in question
disply cabinet126.570in question
Bar, Portable188.5200in question
Corner Shelf135.5104needs yo be taken down from the wall by 8 screws in question
Wine Chest12779.5chinese bar cabinett
Trunk11544 ---------
Chair, Arm151100heavy masage chair
radio117.55 ---------
Coffee Table22573with marble top no need for crates
marble top1720table 2
Coffee Table12365coffee table 2 with marble top
marble top1720marble top table 1 standing up
Coffee Table12059with marbel top
electric cart11450 ---------
Mattress1720 ---------
Guitar21441 ---------
carpet4704 ---------
Suitcase636105 ---------
Picture545130 ---------
Cartons, Small2550162.5pb0
Total 8222057  
**packing date to be advised .Volume may shrink due to descision by Dorit Chomer
**quote for storage in Israel.
**quot dtp and dtd
Owner Signature
Article WLHNotesRoom
Coffee Table
coffe table 1---------
marble top
291.545.5marble top of cofge table 1---------
Coffee Table
coffee table 2---------
Coffee Table
small coffe tables---------
Chair, Arm
massage chair---------
Wine Chest
5087109wine cabinet---------
Corner Shelf
bar- shelf---------
Corner Shelf
bar shelf---------
Bar, Portable
bar in 2 parts---------
disply cabinet
disply cabinet---------
Chair, Dining
Corner Shelf
4 screws to the wall...---------


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box25
Medium Box0
Large Box0
Flat Box5
Stand Up Box0