Dear Mr. Kogut Brigitta

On behalf of A. Univers Transit Ltd, I’m pleased to extend you our survey results and volumes

Estimated by:  Adin Eichenbaum

Survey Summary

Shipper Name: Kogut Brigitta  
Survey Date: 25-Sep-2019  
Origin Address: 9 Marc Chagal apt 6
Tel Aviv
Floor number #3; Elevator;
Destination Address: Thornhill Ont Canada,

Description Qnt. Volume (CBM) Weight (KG) Comment Room
miscellaneous40.82 ---------
Clothes70.773.5 ---------
bed baby10.3520 ---------
Stool10.1112 ---------
Chest of Drawers10.7578.5 ---------
Bed, Youth10.662.5 ---------
Glassware10.110.5 ---------
Kitchenware10.066.5 ---------
Shoes20.221 ---------
Rugs, Small Roll or Pad10.1112 ---------
Ornaments20.221 ---------
Picture50.2525 ---------
Child Seat10.221 ---------
Toys40.5254 ---------
Total 4.95418  
**self packing of most of the goods
Owner Signature


Box NameQuantity
Book/Small Box1
Medium Box12
Large Box4
Flat Box5
Stand Up Box0