Shipper Name: Giulia Spaggiari
Packing Job Date: 25 Mar 2024
Origin Address: 1255 25th St. NW #408 Washington, DC 20037, washington, District of Columbia, United States
Destination Address:

Packed Items

70 clothes bags Wrapped ---------
71 proyector Book/Small Box ---------
72 chair Wrapped ---------
73 glass table top Wrapped ---------
74 Suitcase Wrapped ---------
75 chair frame Wrapped ---------
76 Shoes Large Box ---------
77 Clothes Medium Box ---------
78 Kitchenware Dish Box ---------
79 Books Book/Small Box ---------
desk decorations
80 Books Book/Small Box ---------
81 Books Book/Small Box ---------
82 Books Book/Small Box ---------
83 rug Wrapped ---------
84 lamp Wrapped ---------
85 sofa Wrapped ---------
86 Table Wrapped ---------
87 parts box Wrapped ---------
88 Artwork Wrapped ---------
89 pictures frames Wrapped ---------
90 Suitcase Wrapped ---------
91 Ironing Board Wrapped ---------
92 Glassware Medium Box ---------
93 Glassware Book/Small Box ---------
94 table top Wrapped ---------
95 table legs Wrapped ---------
96 clothing bag Wrapped ---------
97 hangers Medium Box ---------
98 Flower Pot Wrapped ---------
99 Flower Pot Wrapped ---------
100 tools Wrapped ---------
101 pasta machine Wrapped ---------
Total Number of Packages: 32


Used Boxes Count

Box TypeQuantity
Book/Small Box 6
Dish Box 1
Large Box 1
Medium Box 3
Wrapped 21