Shipper Name: Krutika Savardekar
Packing Job Date: 30 Aug 2023
Origin Address: 54 N Main St, Apt. 312, Wharton, 07885
Destination Address: 2001, 130 River St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5A0R8

Packed Items

1 Night Table Scratched; Wrapped ---------
2 Night Table Scratched; Wrapped ---------
3 Baking Pans Medium Box(PBO) ---------
Medium Box
4 Trash Can As-Is(PBO) ---------
5 Bookcase L-Loose (1-All/NA);
Chipped; Scratched;
Wrapped ---------
6 Kitchen Dishes Dish Box ---------
China Box
7 Pillows Medium Box ---------
All Screws And Parts
Medium Box
8 Kitchen Mixer Medium Box ---------
All Screws And Parts
Medium Box
9 Rugs, Large Roll or Pad F-Faded & ST-Stained & OT-Other (1-All/NA);
Dirty. Rolled.
As-Is(PBO) ---------
10 TV Stand Scratched; Wrapped ---------
11 Bed Parts Wrapped ---------
12 Sofa/ Couch, 3 Cushion Wrapped ---------
13 Headboard Scratched; Wrapped ---------
14 Bed frame Chipped; Scratched; Wrapped ---------
15 Bed Rails Scratched; As-Is ---------
16 TV MCU-Mechanical Condition Unknown;
Flat Box ---------
17 Stool Chipped; Scratched; Torn; 2 Screws missing to the seat Wrapped ---------
18 Stool Chipped; Scratched; Torn; Wrapped ---------
Total Number of Packages: 18


Used Boxes Count

Box TypeQuantity
As-Is 3
Dish Box 1
Flat Box 1
Medium Box 3
Wrapped 10