Content of Email Message to Customer


Message to Customer
A: Mme Jacqueline Nedjar
De: Demeco-IsraDem Ltd.
23 Aug 2021

Cher/Chère Mme Jacqueline Nedjar,

On November 25, 2008, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) published a rule entitled "Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements". The rule requires both importers and carriers to submit additional information pertaining to cargo to CBP before the cargo is brought into the USA and Puerto Rico by vessel.

The ISF filing may be done by our agent, , but they must be properly authorized by a Power of Attorney to file the ISF on behalf of importer (which is yourself).

You are kindly requested to print the form below, fill in the information and forward it to us as soon as possible so we can forward it to our agent.

Power of Attorney
I, Mme Jacqueline Nedjar , do hereby constitute and appoint  and if assigned, its affiliates, subsidiaries and parent company to act on my/our behalf as true and lawful agent for the express purpose of transmission of data elements to US.CBP as required by Safe Port Act 0f 2006 and the Trade Act of 2002. Per Federal code Title 19 § 111.24, all provided information is confident and disclosure is restricted only to person or parties who "need to know" in order to perform the required services. This authorization is valid until the completion of the order and will be revoked automatically thereafter.
Signature: ________________________ Date: ________________________
Witness: ________________________ Date: ________________________

Vous remerciant par avance et nous tenant à votre disposition pour toute information supplémentaire.

Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de nos meilleures salutations.

Yossef DOVER
Import Service
Isradem Demeco
55/1 HaAvoda Street
Industrial Area
POB 12322
Ashdod, Israel 77600
(ISRAEL:  +972 8 684.64.93
(FRANCE: +33 1
Member of: AMSA, IAM, Chambre Syndicale du demenagement, Chambre de Commerce France Israel
ISO 9001:2008 Certified

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