Content of Email Message to Agent


Message to Agent
To: dest
From: Movers are Us
Subject: ddccd
24 Apr 2018

Dear Agent,

Please find below the details concerning the consignment of ddccd:

You are kindly requested to update the dates of the tasks below. Please click on the link below to make the changes on-line.
View Shipment Information and Update the Schedule of Destination Agent's Tasks

Time Table
Milestones Date Remark
Arrival in Destination: Unknown
Clear Customs: Unknown
In Storage: Unknown
Delivery/Unpacking: Unknown

Shipment Details
Port of Origin:
Port of Destination:
Vessel and Voyage:
Our Reference #: dcccd

Cargo Containers
To contact the Customer, please use these Contact Details:
Customer Name: ddccd
Contact Name: ddccd
By Email:

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or requests you may have.

Best regards,

Ms. Swe Swe Myint
Chief Executive Officer
No.9,  Room (A-4) , 3rd floor ,  Kyaung street,
Myaynigone, Sanchaung township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : (+951)  523 653 / 516 795/  503 467
Fax : (+951) 516 827
Mobile : (+959) 512-3049
e-mail   : 
Skype ID   : sweygn

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Our company is committed to data privacy procedures. By accepting this consignment you guarantee that customer personal data is kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, distributed or made available to third parties without our written consent and authority
Our company is committed to legal and ethical behavior and adheres to the provisions of anti-corruption & anti Bribery charter. By accepting this consignment you undertake to comply with legal regulation.

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