Service Includes

·       Customs inspection

·       Normal inbound clearance as used HHG

·       Delivery to residence

·       Unpacking of the boxes onto flat surface available

·       Reassembly of furniture

·       Transportation of container from port and return of empty container

·       Destination services with unloading

·       Removal of debris (on the delivery day)

·       Normal access up to first floor with direct access in front of residence (maximum long carry of 25meters)

Do note that as we have encountered         on numerous occasions that there were new/flat packed and IKEA type furniture & also 3 to 4 door cabinets/ wardrobe and complicated furniture included in the shipments which will require the services of a craftsman/ handyman to reassemble. Take note that our services only include the re-assembly of simple dismantled furniture. Excluding craftsman/handyman services at USD 150 per hour minimum 4 hours.

Service Excludes

·       DTHC

·       Shipping line detention, demurrage and port storage charges at port or airport

·       Customs inspection, taxes and duties if any

·       Document transfer fees and any additional charges billed by shipping line, exchange BL or NVOCC fees

·       Please make sure to ship under 1 × master shipping line BL

·       Shuttle service if the container cannot be placed directly to delivery address and extra handling due to unusual access to residence

·       Long carry, stair carry, delivery above first floor/second level

·       Electrical and /or water connections

·       Wall mounting of TV. Assembly of wall units and third-party services such as carpenter/plumber/electrician/handyman etc.

·       External elevator

·       Assembly of flat packed furniture or brand-new furniture which requires a handyman.

·       Handling of items above 100kg like pianos, safes etc.

·       Extra pick up of debris after delivery day

·       Rates also do not include insurance and are subject to the terms and conditions.

·       Container washing fee/maintenance fee while retuning the empty container to port.

·       Warehouse handling and storage

·       Working on weekends, public holidays or non-office hours.

·       Maid service: placement of boxes content on to shelves.





Documents Needed:

·       Copy of passport

·       Copy of UAE visa

·       Copy of Emirates ID

·       Express B/L

·       Copy packing list in English translation

Optional Charges If required

Monthly storage

$15 per CBM/month

Long Carry/15m


Storage In/Out

$9 per CBM

Up-right piano


Inside Elevator


Baby grand Piano


Outside Elevator


Grand Piano




Car handling


Parking Permits


Motorbike Handling


Stair Carry/floor (from 2nd floor)


Delivery via Warehouse

$200/20ft and $400/40ft


Air Shipment DO approx.

USD 120 to 130


Air Shipment THC


Inspection Fee

USD 210 for 20ft and USD 430 for 40ft (will be billed as per actual receipt)

Non-Palletization Fine

USD 350 for 20ft and USD 400 for 40ft (will be billed as per actual receipt)


Official charges are not fixed, changing port and custom authorities

Settlement Terms:

FIDI Agents: We are pleased to allow 30 days credit

Non FIDI Agents: We will require payment before delivery

Any amount/invoice under 500.00$, we will require pre-payment

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.