All rates include customs clearance and inspection, customs import permit, customs processing and trucking
- Unloading cargo under consignee arrangement
- Standby truck (US $90/day)
- Storage, demurrage, detention, air terminal storage (as per receipt)
- Extra customs declaration (US $70/set)
- Lift on/off at port (US $62.70 / 20-foot and US $95.70 / 40-foot as per receipt)
- TC-Scan fee (US $16 / 20-foot and US $ $32 / 40-foot as per receipt)
- Local charge from shipping or co-loader (as per receipt)
- Empty container reurn to Sihanoukville (US $80/container), return to Phnom Penh Port (US $110/container)
- Permit from Ministry of Culture & Fine Art fee (US $150/set
Standard Documents Required
- Inventory list
- Visa
- Passport
- BL
- Work permit if working in Cambodia, or letter from workplace stating that he/she is employed