Thank you for the interest shown in our services.

As per your request please find below our special rate for Complete Destination Service





·       Customs clearance

·       Collection from dockside or air terminal

·       Haulage from dockside to residence (normal access)


·       Unloading and normal furniture set-up

·       Removal of debris on the same day






·       Demurrage and/or detention fees

·       Customs duties & taxes (if any)

·       Bond fees / Bank guarantee

·       Inspections

·       Insurance

·       Shuttle service: € 250

·       Outside elevator: € 250

·       Parking permit: € 150

·       DTHC: € 350 




CITI forwarders srl

direct e-mail: 

Viale A.G. Eiffel n. 100 - Commercity H49 00148 Roma

Mob. ++39 328/6257077 Direct ph. ++39 06 21127630