Issue Date: |
Expiry Date: |
30 Days |
XXPartnerNameYY |
Attn: XXContactNameYY |
Email: XXPartnerEmailYY |
Project Description |
Services: |
Origin: |
XXLocationYY |
Cargo: |
XXCargoTypeNameYY |
Commodity: |
XXCommodityNameYY |
Transport: |
XXShippingModeNameYY |
Size: |
XXQuantityYY |
Origin Services to port XXPOD1YY |
XXOrPrice1YY |
Freight Rate from XXPOD1YY to XXDestinationPortYY |
XXFrPrice1YY |
Total |
XXPrice1YY |
IMPORTANT! This quote was generated automatically based on your input. It does fer to free text entered in the Special Request text box!!
* XXSurchargesYY
Origin Services to port XXPOD2YY |
XXPrice2YY |
Origin Services to port XXPOD3YY |
XXPrice3YY |
Standard Origin Service rate includes the following services:
Our rates do not include the following services
Notes: |
Please note the attachment of the "Customers Instruction Form ("EXPORT) that is given to the customer here in Japan explaining the required documents are to be submitted to international Moving Heavy Lift Cargo Japan, as the outline and informed above regarding required documentation's. |
Best Regards
International Moving Heavy Lift Cargo JAPAN
Daniel Kuss
CEO and Founder
Mobile : + 81 (0)80-7154-5963 : Primary
Tel/Fax : + 81 (0)46-876-6726
Yokosuka, Japan