Inclusions Understanding themoving needs, Making a tailor-made plan to suite the mobilization dates.
Registrationin Oman Customs Bayan, Assigning a crew with an English-speaking crew leader.
Dismantlingof all furniture that needs dismantling for safe passage. Professional packingof individual items surveyed, loading the packed effects onto truck. Shuttle tonearest point where the container will be placed or if good access andcontainer can come to point closest to house, then direct loading of theeffects onto the container in case of sole use containershipments.Documentation and liaison with shipping lines, port authorities andcustoms authorities.Customs clearance at origin.Hand over to the shipping lineterminal at port and providing them all necessary documents for a safe andpriority passage.Ocean freight to suggested destination port.
Exclusions All services and charges outside Oman
Destinationservices and charges Insurance Customs duties and taxes.Extensive customsexamination.Storage in transit if needed.Multiple pickup / deliveries.StaggeredServices, Shuttle services.Stair carry above 1st floor with manual stair carry,difficult access. Working on weekly holidays Friday and Saturday Publicholidays External Hoist, crane/external lifts. Handling of heavy items(safes/Piano/Pool Table etc.) Non-HouseholdGoods-Cars/Bikes/BoatsServicesof professional trade’s people -dismantling of Washing machine, Airconditioner, modular furniture, Water bed removal of dish, Wall drillingat destination Hanging back of curtains, Hanging of wall mounted TV Plumbingand electrical work Reassembly of new /ikea/modular furniture Delivery of heavyitems/Safes/piano to levels above ground floor
INSURANCE HANDLING – to be arranged by youroffice with shipper directly
FINAL BILLING: Final Move invoicewill bé base on the final packed volume: We will bill based on the final packedvolume on completion of packing, our crew will check the weights andmeasurements and seek your certification, the final charges will be worked as perthis volume, keeping in account the fixed costs.
QUOTE VALIDITY 30 days from date ofthe quote unless mutually agreed otherwise
STANDARD TERMS: A copy of generaltrading terms is enclosed to the quote
PACK DATES : The pack datesmentioned in the quote are tentative dates, as discussed with the surveyor, andcannot be held as final agreed dates. Actual dates must be mutually agreed inwriting to ensure availability. This being a very busy season, we humblyrequest you to please confirm the dates as soon as possible to avoid anydisappointments. The pack dates are blocked on first come first serve basis.
DESTINATION DOCUMENTATION AND CUSTOMS RULES- We request ourpartners to please make their customers aware of the customs rules andregulations for the destination country well in advance and ensure complianceto all needed documents. Timely Providing the complete documents for customsclearance to our destination partners is sole responsibility of the owner ofgoods.
TRANSIT SCHEDULES The Transit times areindicative and can vary depending on the shipping line / airline reschedulingor re-arrangements as per their shipping plans
PAYMENT TERMS 30 Days to FIDI members only,others we gently request all dues be paid prior to shipment departure fromorigin port
We arehappy to assist any needs or answer any queries that you may have.
Please feelfree to call Mr. Ajay Kumar Singh – on GSM 94411087 or Manoj Sharma onGSM96287961 for any queries on the quote or any assistance required to bookthis business with our office
The MoversTeam assures youthat we will provide unparalleled services at every step andensure asafe arrival of the effects at the shipper’s new country ofdestination.
We all atThe Movers teamwill anxiously wait for an opportunity to service yourrelocation and will appreciate a feedback on this quote
Sincere Regards
Pricing Team
Premium Move Services LLC الشركه المتميزه لخدمات النقل ش م م PO Box 3448, PC 111, (Suite 22, Building 434, 18th November Street Azaiba Muscat Sultanate of Oman Tel (968)24218353 Fax (968)24136664. GSM /WhatsApp (968) 96287961 Web Site : E.Mail : |
JOB CONFIRMATION NOTE- I/we confirm theacceptance of this quotations price with the terms and conditions, we have alsoread and understood the inclusions and exclusions